John Josephakis
(Data Direct Networks)
06/11/2007, 15:30
Storage devices with the native Infiniband interface are gaining
more and more popularity. I will discuss the available Infiniband
storage access protocols, and will then use one of our recent
products as an example.
Peter van der Reest
06/11/2007, 16:00
With the start of the Large Hadron Collider, presumably in 2008, the largest share of the produced and generated physics data outside CERN will be managed by the dCache storage element. Beside the challenge to handle storage in the order of tens of Petabyte in a single installation, the number of file operations per second is certainly even more challenging. Two years ago we identified PNFS,...
Derrick Brashear
(Sine Nomine Associates and OpenAFS Gatekeeper),
Jeffrey Altman
(Secure Endpoints Inc. and OpenAFS Gatekeeper)
06/11/2007, 16:30
OpenAFS has completed seven years as an open source project.
During that time OpenAFS has successfully tackled many challenges
including new platforms, multi-processor systems, and network
environments consisting of mobile clients and partitioning.
OpenAFS Gatekeepers, Derrick Brashear and Jeffrey Altman, will
provide updates on the latest OpenAFS offerings, the most common
usage models,...