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8–9 Jul 2014
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
US/Central timezone

This workshop is the second in a series started in 2013.  It will provide a forum to discuss current activities in the US that are aimed at the construction of a large liquid argon time projection chamber detector.  The workshop will also feature talks from efforts outside of the US to provide a global context to LArTPC R&D. This workshop will produce a summary of the current R&D efforts and lessoned learned in the community over the past year as well as develop a list of challenges that need to be addressed by future efforts. The workshop is under the aegis of the DPF sponsored Coordinating Panel for Advanced Detectors (CPAD).

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
CDF - Big Room (Building 327)
P. O. Box 500 Batavia, IL 60510-5011<br>

The registration fee for this workshop is $26 and covers coffee breaks, attendance at all sessions, a registration packet, and administrative costs of organizing the event.

Remote Connection Information

We are providing a remote connection for people who are unable to attend the workshop in person.  

To connect via video, use ESNet with access code 85LARWS (8552797).

To connect via audio, use ReadyTalk with access code 8408226.  The toll-free number to call ReadyTalk in the US is +1 866 740 1260.  Toll-free numbers outside of the US can be found here.

To view the slides remotely, you can use either ESNet or the ReadyTalk webcast at

where you can join by entering the access code (8408226)