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Stakeholders / Partner and Project



ReadyTalk 866-740-1260 Code: 886-7778
Stakeholders / Partner and Project (29 Apr 2014)
Project status

These are the notes and minutes of the meeting: 4/29/14

Releases: V1_01_00 - look at future releases for the planning.
        - Need a validation round by the experiments.
        - Lynn to send email telling people how to use it. Since this is a big change and there is support for Mavericks.

Release Retention Policy:
     - Post this.
      - Do we want to rename integration vs production releases (golden). 
     - Keep the last in a series (for every VX_Y_zz should be the latest zz for that X and Y that is kept.)

Naming Convention (Post on the wiki please)
      - Patch - Define final 2 numbers are the small deltas.
      - Minor - Middle two are significant changes including new features to LArSoft
      - Major number should change if there is a backward incompatible change (breaking backward compatability)

Feedback on Documentation: send comments to Erica!

Require some minimal documentation before code in any production or integration release:
      - Authors own their documentation
      - Librarians and code release team would be responsible.
      - Are documents part of a release - yes.
      - What about doxygen pages? This is for browsing? One can augment the information.
      - CMS has this. May be experiment agnostic. Subdirectory of the directory has this information. Separate service responsible for gathering things from the release. provides for web browsing.
      - Recommended: Yes. Agreed to.
      - docs subdirectory. Recommended: Yes. Agreed to.
      - Format can be open at the moment?  No Microsoft word. What about wiki?
      - is it required to print? Is there a Tex template. Automated build tool.
      - use art workbook as a template; Brett has a set for worch.
      - tcl files and gdml - experiment responsibility. not in scope. Good to document defaults etc.

LBNE: Closed nightly. not broken.  Need release managers for all s/w not just LArSoft.

UBoone: things are fine. Figuring out how to maintain uboone code. Eric and Herb are responsible for the nightly builds. Who tags uboone code: Lynn does this. This is not the goal for the long term. product defs with the dependent products. Tutorial, Document etc. Discuss the responsibilities?  ok for integration. LArAdmin has scripts for the building of experiment code, different platforms and releases. Does Kirby have anything above and beyond.

LArIAT: on V00_2_xx

ArgoNeut: Old svn based system. since microboone is delayed there are many argoneut analyses. painful to do development. will migrate. Request a repository for argoneut. Erica will set up a meeting

Timescales: do lessons learned on previous deliverables; spend more time defining the deliverables and communicting. Need to look at this for the mrb dependencies. Liz is taking this action item.

workshop: not end of july. do a doodle poll for 6/17-6/18

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      News and announcements
      Speaker: Erica Snider (Fermilab)
    • 2
      Experiment reports: LBNE
      Speaker: Dr Thomas Junk (Fermilab)
    • 3
      Experiment reports: uBooNE
      Speakers: Dr Eric Church (Yale), Dr Herbert Greenlee (Fermilab)
    • 4
      Project status
      Speaker: Ruth Pordes (Fermilab)

      These are the notes and minutes of the meeting: 4/29/14

      Releases: V1_01_00 - look at future releases for the planning.
              - Need a validation round by the experiments.
              - Lynn to send email telling people how to use it. Since this is a big change and there is support for Mavericks.

      Release Retention Policy:
           - Post this.
            - Do we want to rename integration vs production releases (golden). 
           - Keep the last in a series (for every VX_Y_zz should be the latest zz for that X and Y that is kept.)

      Naming Convention (Post on the wiki please)
            - Patch - Define final 2 numbers are the small deltas.
            - Minor - Middle two are significant changes including new features to LArSoft
            - Major number should change if there is a backward incompatible change (breaking backward compatability)

      Feedback on Documentation: send comments to Erica!

      Require some minimal documentation before code in any production or integration release:
            - Authors own their documentation
            - Librarians and code release team would be responsible.
            - Are documents part of a release - yes.
            - What about doxygen pages? This is for browsing? One can augment the information.
            - CMS has this. May be experiment agnostic. Subdirectory of the directory has this information. Separate service responsible for gathering things from the release. provides for web browsing.
            - Recommended: Yes. Agreed to.
            - docs subdirectory. Recommended: Yes. Agreed to.
            - Format can be open at the moment?  No Microsoft word. What about wiki?
            - is it required to print? Is there a Tex template. Automated build tool.
            - use art workbook as a template; Brett has a set for worch.
            - tcl files and gdml - experiment responsibility. not in scope. Good to document defaults etc.

      LBNE: Closed nightly. not broken.  Need release managers for all s/w not just LArSoft.

      UBoone: things are fine. Figuring out how to maintain uboone code. Eric and Herb are responsible for the nightly builds. Who tags uboone code: Lynn does this. This is not the goal for the long term. product defs with the dependent products. Tutorial, Document etc. Discuss the responsibilities?  ok for integration. LArAdmin has scripts for the building of experiment code, different platforms and releases. Does Kirby have anything above and beyond.

      LArIAT: on V00_2_xx

      ArgoNeut: Old svn based system. since microboone is delayed there are many argoneut analyses. painful to do development. will migrate. Request a repository for argoneut. Erica will set up a meeting

      Timescales: do lessons learned on previous deliverables; spend more time defining the deliverables and communicting. Need to look at this for the mrb dependencies. Liz is taking this action item.

      workshop: not end of july. do a doodle poll for 6/17-6/18