Please read these instructions before posting any event on Fermilab Indico

Indico will be unavailable on Monday Feb 17th from 4:30-5PM CST due to server maintenance.

Jul 26 – 27, 2007
Fermilab, Batavia, IL 60510
US/Central timezone
<html> <body> This is the first announcement of the Open Science Grid Users' Meeting, to be held at FNAL on July 26th and 27th 2007. This meeting / workshop is aimed at all users of the OSG who meet any of the following criteria:
  • are responsible for or develop applications that run on the OSG;
  • are VO managers or their delegates;
  • are involved in any aspect of VO-specific infrastructure for OSG use, for example: workflow, meta-scheduling or portal management;
  • are users or prospective users of the OSG in any capacity and are interested in discussing issues and their solutions; or hearing about others' issues and how they may have been solved.

The emphasis in this meeting will be on sharing issues and ideas and discussing current and future needs across the users of and participants in OSG. The goal is to help each other and have ideas on how to help new entrants to the OSG.

While there will be some presentations we want to leave plenty of time for discussion and interaction.

Anyone who has something to say which would fit in to one of the meeting's sessions should feel free to submit their talk, and we will have some space for short on-the-fly presentations as well.

Some other pertinent facts about the meeting:

  • There is no registration fee.
  • Please register at our Indico portal.
  • There will be a pay-as-you-go group dinner at Chez Léon on the evening of the 26th. Please indicate at registration whether you plan to attend.
  • The emphasis of this meeting will be on multi-directional information exchange -- discussion and collaboration, and less on monologues. We will allow time for discussion after each presentation; issue-oriented sessions will allow some dedicated time for discussion after all presentations in that session.
  • Wireless network access will be available; please read these instructions for registration details and pre-requisites.
  • We have a list of local hotels that will honor a special rate provided you mention that you are attending a Fermilab-organized event.
  • Please remember to have state ID or a passport on you when you enter the lab.

NOTE CHANGE: Meeting Rooms:
FCC1, located on the first floor, west side of the Feynman Computing Center;
Overflow rooms are available:

  • In FCC1
  • In WH as necessary and available

In addition, the FCC1 small conference room will be available between noon and 5pm for laptop use.

Video conferencing information

Video conferencing will be available via ESNET ad hoc #82OSGU (826748) and will be up by 8am for connection tests, etc. If you need to call in, use the number is +1 (510) 883-7860 and enter 826748 when prompted (no PIN).

For presenters: talk upload instructions:

  1. Restart your browser to clear the cache of any previous attempts.
  2. Go to
  3. In the top left, you will see a red pencil: click it.
  4. Enter the modification key when prompted: osg2007
  5. In the navigation bar on the left, click on "Timetable."
  6. Click on "Alternative view"
  7. Cycle down to find your talk; click the pencil on that row.
  8. Click the "Files" link and enter your presentation details (file type should be "slides") and upload using the "browse" link.
Please ensure that your presentation is uploaded *before* they your scheduled time slot, as we have several people attending by VC who might need to view a copy of your presentation on their own browsers. </body> </html>
Fermilab, Batavia, IL 60510
FCC1 (Feynman Computing Center)
  • Chris Green