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10–15 Aug 2015
Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas
Brazil/East timezone

Probing Neutrino-Scalar Couplings

Not scheduled
Ministro João Alberto Lins de Barros auditorium (Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas)

Ministro João Alberto Lins de Barros auditorium

Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas

Rua Dr. Xavier Sigaud 150 Urca - Rio de Janeiro - RJ BRAZIL
Poster Working group 1: Neutrino Oscillation Physics


Mr Pedro Simoni Pasquini (Unicamp)


Motivated by discovery of scalar particles at the LHC, we revisit the bounds from Yukawa couplings of scalar particles with neutrinos. Using data from meson decays and including for the first time the spectrum from meson decays we manage to put the following constraints for massless scalars: $|g_e|^2<1.9\times10^{-6}$, $|g_\mu|^2<7.4\times10^{-8}$ and $|g_\tau|^2<2.1\times10^{-2}$ at $90\% \rm{C.L.}$ and we get bounds on massive light scalars.

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