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18–22 May 2015
Wayne State University
US/Eastern timezone

Search for di-muon decays of a low-mass Higgs boson in the radiative decay of $J/\psi$

19 May 2015, 17:20
B, McGregor (Wayne State University)

B, McGregor

Wayne State University

Wayne State University Detroit, MI 48201


Dr Vindhyawasini Prasad (Post-doctoral Fellow)


We search for di-muon decays a light Higgs boson ($A^0$) in the radiative decay of $J/\psi$: $J/\psi \rightarrow \gamma A^0$, $A^0 \rightarrow \mu^+\mu^-$. Here $A^0$ is the hypothetical CP-odd light Higgs boson predicted by many extensions of the Standard Model (SM), including Next-to-Minimal Sypersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM). This study is based on 225 million $J/\psi$ events collected in 2009 by the BESIII experiment at the Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing, China. We are studying the process and we will report the preliminary results of the work in this talk.

Primary author

Dr Vindhyawasini Prasad (Post-doctoral Fellow)


Prof. Haibo Li (Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing, China) Prof. Xinchou Lou (Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing, China)

Presentation materials