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18–22 May 2015
Wayne State University
US/Eastern timezone

Mixing/coherence in D mesons

20 May 2015, 11:10
Wayne State University

Wayne State University

Wayne State University Detroit, MI 48201


Albayrak Onur (Carnegie Mellon University)


We report the measurement of the D0-D0bar mixing parameter, y_{CP} based on the sample taken at the DDbar mass threshold. Based on the events where we reconstruct one D decays to CP eigenstates while the other D decays semi-leptonially, we obtain y_{CP} = (-2.0+-1.3+-0.7)%. We also present results for model independent measurement of the strong phase difference between D0 and D0bar -> K0 pi+ pi-, through a binned dalitz analysis. These results represent a significant improvement in a previously statistically limited measurement, which will then allow for increased precision in the measurement of unitarity triangle angle gamma/phi3 using the decay B+- -> D (-> Ks pi+ pi-) K+- through the GGSZ method.

Primary author

Dr Xiao-Rui Lyu (UCAS)

Presentation materials