Contributed Talks
Pilsoo LEE
(Dept. of Physics, Chung-Ang University)
20/05/2015, 11:00
Techinical issues
Oral Presentation
An active target, which acts as both a reaction target and a detector, is one of the promising particle detection systems in nuclear physics experiment. It provides comprehensive physical information such as traces of injected particles and particle discrimination in atomic numbers based on energy-loss information. Our active target is basically a gas-filled time projection chamber developed...
Jonathan Barney
20/05/2015, 11:25
Physics and Experiments
Oral Presentation
The SAMURAI Pion‐Reconstruction and Ion‐Tracker (SpiRIT), a Time Projection Chamber (TPC), is designed for measurements of the density dependence of the nuclear symmetry energy around twice the saturation density. This TPC will be used inside the large SAMURAI dipole magnet in the Rare Isotope Beam Facility (RIBF) in RIKEN Wako, Japan. To understand the relative locations of the TPC drift...
Justin Estee
20/05/2015, 11:50
Techinical issues
Oral Presentation
The SAMURAI Pion-Reconstruction and Ion-Tracker (SpiRIT), a Time Projection Chamber (TPC), is designed to measure the density dependence of the nuclear symmetry energy around twice the saturation density. The heart of the TPC is a field cage designed to measure the momentum distributions of pions and light particles emitted in heavy ion collisions. The interior of the field cage is 145 cm long...
Joshua Bradt
20/05/2015, 12:15
Physics and Experiments
Oral Presentation
The Active-Target Time Projection Chamber (AT-TPC) was recently commissioned at MSU using a stable beam of 4He at 3 MeV per nucleon from ReA3 on a target of He+CO2 gas. Tracks were measured in the detector at magnetic field strengths of 0, 0.5 and 1 Tesla. Analysis of the data is underway. This talk will focus on the application of the Kalman filter method to this highly nonlinear problem, and...