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Indico will be unavailable on Wed., Dec 18th from 7 - 7:30am due to server maintenance.

8 December 2014
Denys Wilkinson Building
Europe/London timezone

Contribution List

12 / 12
Dr James Dobson (University of Edinburgh)
08/12/2014, 09:15
Dr Steve Worm (RAL)
08/12/2014, 09:45
Prof. Jo Dunkley (University of Oxford)
08/12/2014, 11:30
Dr Henrique Araújo (Imperial College London)
08/12/2014, 14:15
Dr Paolo Beltrame (University of Edinburgh)
08/12/2014, 14:30
Ms Maria Francesca Marzioni (University of Edinburgh)
08/12/2014, 14:45
Mrs Emma Meehan (STFC)
08/12/2014, 15:00
Dr Paul Scovell (University of Oxford)
08/12/2014, 15:15