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December 8, 2014
Denys Wilkinson Building
Europe/London timezone

Participant List

32 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Andrew Scarff University of Sheffield
Anthony Ezeribe University of Sheffield
Cees Carels University of Oxford
David Woodward University of Sheffield
Emily Grace Royal Holloway University of London
Emma Meehan Boulby Underground Laboratory
Felix Kahlhoefer DESY
FengTing Liao University of Oxford
Frederic Mouton University of Sheffield
Hans Kraus Oxford
Henrique Araujo Imperial College London
James Nikkel RHUL/RAL
Jim Dobson University of Edinburgh
John Quenby Imperial College
Junsong Lin University of Oxford
Kathryn Boast University of Oxford
Lea Reichhart University College London
Maria Francesca Marzioni University of Edinburgh
Mattia Fornasa School of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Nottingham
Nasim Fatemighomi Royal Holloway University of London
Paolo Beltrame University of Edinburgh
Paul Scovell University of Oxford
Pawel Majewski RAL
Roy Preece STFC - RAL
Sally Shaw UCL
Sean Paling Boulby Underground Laboratory
Sergey Burdin University of Liverpool
Stephen Sadler University of Sheffield
Steve Worm RAL
Thomas Davison The University of Edinburgh
Xiaohe Zhang University of Oxford