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Architecture Committee meeting

West Wing (WH10NW)

West Wing


Erica, Wes, Eric, Liz, Jim K, Brian, Herb, Gianluca present

Erica’s LArSoft Indico talk
scope of changes to address issues of data products
just agree on the abstractions needed for
raw::RawDigit, recob::Wire,Hit,Cluster,EndPoint2D, Track
(1) Brian says ArgoNeut should be contacted for raw::RawDigit about Pedestal-related, else removing it is non controversial.
will also change fADC from private to public
(2) recob::Wire eliminate art::Ptr RawDigit, store wireID and channelNum, eliminate SignalType().
wireId will become short, short, short, int.
(3) recob::HitSignal() will be kept; LBNE might need it since they may want to drop wires. Charge() has a bool arg that will be dumped now. Replace with PeakAmplitude()/SummedADC()/IntegratedADC(). Sigma assumes Gaussian, will be replaced by FWHM, time means TDC tick, StartTick and EndTick define the region for hit/hits not start/end for individual hits necessarily, these will replace StartTime and EndTime: will thus dump SigmaStartTime and SigmaEndTime. Will add localIndex which is a short, so one does a for loop, picking up localIndex values 0 through Multiplicity. Drop art::Ptr. HitSignal() to go from private to public; should be a const ref …. or maybe dropped, not clear anyone uses it

(4) recob::Cluster
Lotsa added things, inclduing NHit/NWire, 1/what was suggested, width filled by some alg, replace dt/dW_start, end for dQ/dW, still ongoing… Herb appropriately wonders if all Bruce’s additions are in (Wesley confirmed they are).
(5) recob::EndPoint2D
Introduce a new class Vertex2D, as a reconstructed 2D vertex; move Strength() method here, Multiplicty() to indicate how many clusters/tracks involved. Drop Charge. Besides, define EndPoint2D as a purely geometric entity, representing a (wire x time) coordinate.
(6) recob::Track
Bezier is a continuous trajectory and derives from Track.
Proposal is to add a trajectory class to represent continuous trajectory
use Track + trajectory class for Bezier
use Track + created-on-the-fly linear interp of traj points for Kalman
Add a Momentum object
Remove fit momentum from Track
Keep trajectory points in Track

Decision cleared by those (remaining) in the room to allow 1-3,5 above. 4,6 face continued discussion.
Jim K asks for class diagrams to understand scope and functionality, e.g., for Assns.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 13:00 13:20
      Proposed data product changes 20m
      Speaker: Dr Erica Snider (Fermilab)