22–23 Jan 2015
US/Central timezone


Collaboration Meeting Agenda
January 22-23 at Fermilab
Wilson Hall Ramsey Auditorium

All Plenary Sessions
Remote connection information for Plenary in Auditorium.
ReadyTalk Phone Conference
Dial Toll-Free Number: 866-740-1260
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Enter 7-digit access code, 4010695 followed by "#"
Thursday, January 22nd
9:00 – 9:30       Welcome and Scientific Strategy – Nigel Lockyer
                              Session Chairperson – Rik Yoshida

  • 10kton underground by 2021 as a driver
  • Start process for choosing experimental collaboration leadership
  • Facilitate people joining hardware projects LAR1-ND, LARIAT or CERN platform
  • Technology decision schedule which aligns with CD2 – 2018+1
  • FNAL Management Goal CD3A for FY17 – a coherent plan to HEP by May 2015
9:30 – 9:45       Goals and Process for the Collaboration Meeting – Sergio Bertolucci
                              Session Chairperson – Rik Yoshida
  • Forming of this new Collaboration – a merger of all previous efforts and any other interested parties
  • Scope of 40 ktons physics program
  • Agreement on minimal level of organization to start
  • Agree on minimal  number of Working Groups to make progress before spokespeople chosen
  • Launch spokesperson selection process
  • Provide a way for individuals/groups  to get involved in R+D efforts, CDR Writing and other collaboration activities
9:45 – 10:15 IIEB Model of the Facility/Experiment interplay  20+10  Rob Roser/Ken Long
                           Session Chairperson – Rik Yoshida
  • New Collaboration will follow the CERN LHC model
    • Working groups on facility side responsibility of host lab.
    • Working groups on experiment side responsibility of spokespersons
  • Collaboration and Facility roles and responsibilities
    • Collaboration: Science, Near Detector, Far Detector, Scientific specifications of the neutrino beam,
    • Facility is responsible for civil construction, cryo plant, beamline, target station, horn, etc. (will need to carefully defined)
    • Role of experiment facility interface group. 
10:15 – 10:45   COFFEE BREAK – Wilson Hall Atrium
10:45 – 12:15   Defining the early Physics Program  of 10 ktons –
                                Session Chairperson – Agnieszka Zalewska
  • Physics program of the 10kton first module(s) underground by 2021
  • Need to cover
    • oscillation physics  Silvia Pascoli
    • supernovae  Kate Scholberg
    •  proton decay   Vitaly Kudryavtsev
  • What are the outstanding Questions in each area
  • What are the goals and priorities and issues associated with each
12:15 – 1:15   LUNCH CAFETERIA
  1:15 – 3:45  Checkpoint on where we are…
                            Session Chairperson – Shekhar Mishra  
  • Near and Far Detector   60 min   -- David Lissauer
    • What are the components
    • How to create a distributed model for detector construction?
    • how people can get involved
  • Opportunities to create an optimal Beam Design for the 40 kton experiment 15+15 Vaia Papadimitriou
    • Do we need 700kwatts prior to 2024 pointed at SURF
COFFEE BREAK  - Wilson Hall Atrium
3:15 – 3:45  Checkpoint on where we are…
Session Chairperson – Geralyn “Sam” Zeller
  • Issues at SURF   15 + 15          Elaine McCluskey
  • Logistics working underground
  • Notional time table for construction of cavern(s)_
  • What R+D is needed to establish cryostat technology choice
  • What is needed for making the case for CD3A in a few months
3:45 – 4:45 Governance Process – Chang Kee Jung
  • Spokespeople – discuss process and start nomination committee
  • Oversight Committees  -- early forming of (iJOG, RRB, LBNC, …)
  • Is the process of selecting spokespeople optimal given the time pressures of 2017 excavation start – expedited plan b?
5:00 – 7:00    RECEPTION – Wilson Hall Atrium
6:00 – 8:00  Institutional Board Meeting – Wilson Hall One West
7:00 – 9:00   Parallel Session 1 – Hornet’s Nest – WH 8XO
                          Session Chairperson – Tom Junk – Each session will be 15 minutes
If you are unable to attend but wish to participate via phone, please use ReadyTalk instructions below:
Remote connection information (ReadyTalk phone conference)
1. Dial Toll-Free Number: 866-740-1260 (U.S. & Canada)
2. International participants dial:
Toll Number: 303-248-0285
Or International Toll-Free Number: http://www.readytalk.com/intl
3. Enter 7-digit access code, 4010695 followed by “#”
                          Physics Opportunity with sub-GeV Dark Matter       
Amir Farbin (UT-Arlington)
Animesh Chatterjee (UT-Arlington)
Jae Yu (UT-Arlington)
                          Software and Computing Organization
                                             Maxim Poitekhin (Brookhaven)
                         ELBNF Systematics
                                             Elizabeth Worcester (BNL)
                         Simulation and Analysis Tools
                                             Dan Cherdack (Colorado State)
                        Modeling nuclear effects in precise oscillation experiments
                                             Artur Ankowski (Virginia Tech)
                        Supernova Neutrino Theory Overview
                                             Alex Friedland (Los Alamos)
                        Neutrino Beam Optimization
                                             Laura Fields (Northwestern)
                       Optimization of Experimental Design Parameters
                                             Lisa Whitehead (UH)
7:00 – 9:00   Parallel Session 2 – Racetrack – WH 7XO
                          Session Chairperson – Jennifer Raaf – Each session will be 15 minutes
If you are unable to attend but wish to participate via phone, please use ReadyTalk instructions below:
Remote connection information (ReadyTalk phone conference)
1. Dial Toll-Free Number: 866-740-1260 (U.S. & Canada)
2. International participants dial:
Toll Number: 303-248-0285
Or International Toll-Free Number: http://www.readytalk.com/intl
3. Enter 7-digit access code, 7306951 followed by “#”
                          Photon Detector Design
                                             Denver Whittington  (Indiana)
                          Structure of Experiment and the Facility / Experiment Divide
                                             Vitaly Pronskikh  (Fermilab)
                          SiPM R & D
                                             Yujing Sun  (University of Hawaii)
           Coordination of R & D for ELBNF
                                             Jae Yu  (UT-Arlington)
                                             Zelimir Djurcic (Argonne National Laboratory)
                         Photo Detector  Simulation and Reconstruction
                                             Alexander Himmel  (Duke)
                         A High Resolution ND for ELBNF
                                             Roberto Petti (University of South Carolina)
                         The ARGONCUBE Approach
                                             Antonio Ereditato (BERN)
Friday, January 23rd
9:00 – 9:30  Detector R+D and the CERN Neutrino Platform  15+15 
                              -- Marzio Nessi
                          Session Chairperson – Alfons Weber
  • How do we reach a technical decision based on demonstrated performance of proposed single and 2 phase LAr technologies and what is the time scale?
9:30 – 10:00   Fermilab Neutrino Platform -- How SBN (Lar1 Microboone, Icarus)-
                              and LBN are synergistic and should leverage both .  How to get
                              involved. 15+15  – David Schmitz
10:00 – 10:30  How to get involved in WA105 2 phase program – Andre Rubbia
  Session Chairperson – Alfons Weber
10:30 – 11:00   COFFEE BREAK - Wilson Hall Atrium
11:00 – 11:30  How to get involved in the CERN single phase prototype -- 
                               Mark Thomson
                               Session Chairperson – Alfons Weber
11:30 – 3:30  A Series of Panel Discussions
  1. Physics Working Group
  1. Parameters Group – experiment, beam, facility each has parameters
  1. Detector Technology Group 
  • The home for groups to do R+D, write CDR and sets schedules for making progress
11:30 – 12:30     Panel Discussion 1.   Physics Group  --
                  Convener:  Andre de Gouvea  (Northwestern University)
12:30 – 1:30    LUNCH Cafeteria
1:30 --  2:30   Panel Discussion 2.   Parameters Group –
                          Convener:  Josh Klein (University of Pennsylvania)
2:30 – 3:00   COFFEE BREAK - Wilson Hall Atrium
3:00 --  4:00   Panel Discussion 3.   Detector Technology -- Group 
                          Convener:  Regina Rameika (Fermilab)
4:00 – 4:30  Panel Discussion Wrap-Up --
   Convener:  Sergio Bertolucci
   Chairperson:  Carlos Escobar
  • Recommendations to collaboration informed by panel discussions
  • Propose to establish an experiment naming/logo group?
4:30 – 5:00 -- Establishing Time Lines and future meeting dates and next steps –  
                             Convener:  Sergio Bertolucci
                              Chairperson:  Carlos Escobar
  • (end of February, early march for next meeting)
5:00   End of Meeting