Susan Wijnhoven
One of the main goals of work package 7 of the GUIDEnano project is to develop a risk assessment strategy for an NM-enabled product during its development and before introduction on the market. This risk assessment strategy is incorporated in the interactive web-based GUIDEnano Tool, which will guide the NM-enabled product developers (mainly industry) into the design and application of the most appropriate risk assessment and mitigation strategy for a specific product. The strategy will be evaluated with hypothetical and real case studies within the project. To develop the initial strategy to assess the risk of NMs, information on existing risk assessment methodologies was used, together with discussions with experts from inside and outside the project. The strategy can be divided in four main elements: 1. Input and information requirements (hazard and exposure assessment) 2. Risk assessment (calculation of a risk ratio and classification into three risk categories) 3. Follow-up actions (reduction of uncertainty, risk mitigation) 4. Output report. Currently, WP7 is working on a sensitivity analysis of the entire risk assessment process, as integrated in the Tool, to identify the key assumptions or uncertainties to be reduced throughout this process.
Primary author
Susan Wijnhoven
Maria Luisa Fernandez-Cruz
Petra van Kesteren