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9–11 Mar 2015
NH Laguna Palace Hotel
Europe/Rome timezone

Assessing the potential risks of silver nanoparticles in antimicrobial applications, using miniaturized flow field-flow fractionation and multi-angle light scattering

10 Mar 2015, 12:30
Breakout 1 (NH Laguna Palace Hotel)

Breakout 1

NH Laguna Palace Hotel

Viale Ancona, n° 2 30172 Venice-Mestre, Italy Tel: +39 041 829 6111 Fax: +39 848 390 230
Parallel session 3A: Safer by design products, production and processes 3A Safer by design products, production and processes


Valentina Marassi (University of Bologna)


Colloidal silver nanoparticles are known for their antimicrobial applications in everyday life items, and their use in commercial products is increasing; to investigate how and if nanoparticles may present harm for the environment and organisms, a characterization of their behavior in environmental/physiological media is required besides size, shape, activity and stability assessment. Hyphenation of multiangle light scattering (MALS) detection with size-based separation methods presents a multidimensional platform that can enhance accuracy for analysis of complex NPs samples, and Hollow-fiber flow field-flow fractionation (HF5) is particularly suited for this task. In HF5, separation occurs between species with different hydrodynamic radius. MALS detection, on the other hand, allows for the calculation of particlesâ•˙ gyration radius, which depends on particle compactness. Particlesâ•˙ shape is determined correlating these values. We developed HF5-UV-MALS methods able to study dispersed AgNPs in aqueous media to isolate silver nanoparticles for size distribution analysis, identify aggregation phenomena, separate unbound constituents from the functional NPs, and correlate NPs size with their spectroscopic properties. We have tested new methods for analysis of metal release through fiber filtration to improve full characterization of metal-based nanoparticles, in order to study both their functional effectiveness and potential hazards.

Primary author

Valentina Marassi (University of Bologna)


Anna Luisa Costa (ISTEC-CNR Faenza)

Presentation materials