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Antti J. Koivisto
(National Research Centre for the Working Environment, Lersø Parkallé 105, Copenhagen DK-2100, Denmark)
11/03/2015, 16:00
Parallel session 6B: Occupational and consumer exposure
Additional Authors: Kirsten I Kling; National Research Centre for the Working Environment, Lersø Parkallé 105, Copenhagen DK-2100, Denmark;
Marcus Levin; National Research Centre for the Working Environment, Lersø Parkallé 105, Copenhagen DK-2100, Denmark;
Keld A. Jensen; National Research Centre for the Working Environment, Lersø Parkallé 105, Copenhagen DK-2100,...
Keld A. Jensen
("National Research Centre for the Working Environment ")
11/03/2015, 16:30
Parallel session 6B: Occupational and consumer exposure
Additional Authors: A.Ø. Jensen, National Research Centre for the Working Environment
B. Liguori, Technical University of Denmark
A.J. Koivisto, National Research Centre for the Working Environment
I.K. Koponen, National Research Centre for the Working Environment
Abstract: The OECD WPMNM (Working Party on Manufactured Nanomaterials) has listed dustiness as a priority data for risk...
Dhimiter Bello
(UMass Lowell)
11/03/2015, 17:00
Parallel session 6B: Occupational and consumer exposure
This presentation will analyze the pitfalls of current nanoparticle exposure metrics for health effects studies using real-world exposure scenarios. Through case studies and literature review, the talk will emphasize the critical and, at present, unmet need for more selectivity in the chemical characterization of airborne nano aerosols, and exploration of the concept of dose that integrates...
Derk Brouwer
(TNO Innovation for Life)
11/03/2015, 17:30
Parallel session 6B: Occupational and consumer exposure
Occupational dermal exposure to NOAA can be relevant in view of penetration through the skin, local skin effects and inadvertent ingestion. The potential for consequences of dermal exposure to nanomaterials will be determined by both parameters of exposure and other parameters. With respect to penetration and local effects, the integrity of the skin is an important determinant , whereas...
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