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28 September 2015 to 2 October 2015
US/Central timezone

The 20th Geant4 Collaboration Meeting took place at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Illinois, U.S.A., from September 28 thru October 2, 2015. This was a collaborator-only five-day event to discuss technical and organizational aspects of the Geant4 Collaboration.
Please visit the Collaboration Meeting Registration Site for further information regarding the meeting.
Wilson Hall - One West
Video Conference (Vidyo Rooms):
Geant4-FNAL2015-WH1W (Parallel Sessions A and Plenary at WH1W, One West)
Geant4-FNAL2015-WH8XO (Parallel Sessions B at WH8XO, Hornet Nest or in WH1E)
Geant4-FNAL2015-WH5SW (Parallel Sessions C at WH5SW, Board Room)

Additionally, we have Video Streaming:
(only from One West)