Please read these instructions before posting any event on Fermilab Indico
Indico will be unavailable on Wed., Dec 18th from 7 - 7:30am due to server maintenance.
Upgrade EM models: multiple scattering, low-energy models
Results and Issues from experiments
Performance profiling and benchmarking
Various EM validations
What's new in vis
Problems with Qt5
How to test vis
+ discussion
- Phonon (SLAC), ElectronHolePropagation (SLAC), Channeling (INFN), Low Energy Micro Electronic (CEA)
- Crystal processes: what are needed? produce a list
- Crystal structure: how to? produce a global strategy
- Solid State Physics: who is interested/who finances? produce a list
String models (FTF and QGS), intra-nuclear cascade models (BERT, BIC, INCLXX), Precompound-evaporation, elastic scattering.
ParticleHP & NeutronHP, Radioactive Decay, QMD, gamma- and lepto-nuclear interactions, cross-sections.
Status & plans and recent developments in USolids/VecGeom
Extensions to testing suite and effects on using coarse/precise safety calculation Open issues in transportation and transport in field.
mprovement of documentation; Physics Lists Factory; Report FNAL Validation Webpage ; ProcessLevel Validation Tool (t.b.c.).
Session devoted to biasing and in general with any physics which interaction laws divert from standard exponential one, like channeling.
Status of biasing
- recent development
- use of G4VTrackInformation - what is needed
Status of channeling
Working session to address open issues in field transport:
- calculation of normals
- spin tracking
- multi-level locator
More extensive discussions about ParticleHP & NeutronHP, and Radioactive Decay. And any other topics of interest for low-energy hadronic physics.
CMake features,
C++ 11 RNG + MT features,
Details on C++ 11 features we suggest to use,
Mini-course comparing pre-c++ 11 and c++ 11 code
Which C++11 features to use/avoid,
Coding guidelines, tips for MT/MPI
Speed up of cross sections.
Any other topic not fully covered in the other hadronic sessions.
Vector Framework and Scheduler/Coprocessor Broker
Vectorized Geometry/Interface to Geant4
Vector Physics Models
Coprocessor Applications
Parallel 1A-5C (10 minutes each)
Parallel 6A-7B (10 minutes each),
Collaboration matters, release schedule
Technical Forum