10:30 AM
Driver/Device Support sis3316/ip
Heinz Junkes
10:35 AM
Adding site-specific laser-shot-numbers to timestamp
Heinz Junkes
10:40 AM
Accessing NI Network Shared Variables from EPICS IOCs
Frederick Akeroyd
(ISIS facility, STFC, GB)
10:45 AM
Providing remote access to the LIGO interferometers with EPICS based tools
Jonathan Hanks
(LIGO, California Institute of Technology)
Keith Thorne
(LIGO Livingston Observatory)
10:50 AM
EPICS Independent Test Suite for PCI-based controls devices using PythonQT
Gasper Jansa
10:55 AM
pvWebMonitor: post EPICS PVs to read-only (static) web page(s)
Pete Jemian
(Advanced Photon Source)
11:00 AM
EPICS-controlled OWI Edge Robotic Arm using a Raspberry Pi IOC
Pete Jemian
(Advanced Photon Source)
11:05 AM
Controls for the Multi-bend acromat APS upgrade
Richard Farnsworth
(Argonne National Labs)
11:10 AM
James Stevens
(Argonne National Laboratory)
11:15 AM
Development Plan for Reliable Card-size IOC
Norihiko Kamikubota
11:20 AM
Managing BEAST alarm history
Kunal Shroff
(Brookhaven National Lab)
11:25 AM
Dynamic logging configuration in CS-Studio
Kunal Shroff
(Brookhaven National Lab)
11:30 AM
Rare Isotope Beam Transport at 30 kV
Mathias Steiner
(Michigan State University)
11:35 AM
EPICS Base development at NSLS2
Michael Davidsaver
11:40 AM
NSLS-II Fast Orbit Feedback System Status
Yuke Tian
(Brookhanven National Lab)
11:45 AM
Hour Log: A system for managing facility status
Vasu Vuppala