Please read these instructions before posting any event on Fermilab Indico

Indico will be unavailable on Monday Feb 17th from 4:30-5PM CST due to server maintenance.

1–2 Jun 2015
US/Central timezone
Remote Participation information: Access Code is 3951664.
The ReadyTalk phone number is 866-740-1260 and

FabrIc for Frontier Experiments (FIFE) is a project within Scientific Computing Division that provides collaborative scientific-data processing solutions for Frontier Experiments. Last year, we introduced products and services available from SCD and other computing resources. This year, we hope to add to recommended set of end-to-end tools for experiments to use to design and implement their offline computing.

FIFE includes architecture, design, services and support for -

  • Grid submission to dedicated and opportunistic resources and user-friendly monitoring of submitted jobs.
  • Data management and handling with co-scheduling of data and job services and integrated into the art analysis framework
  • Database and dataset applications such as beam monitoring, conditions, and hardware
  • Collaborative tools such as an electronic control room logbook and shift scheduler
  • Collaborations with experiemnts to build integrated solutions

FIFE is based on common toolsets wherever possible to increase flexibility, provide for efficient evolution, and reduce the maintenance load

Note that for lunch, you should receive an invite to place an order with Chipotle. If you do not receive that email, contact Margaret Votava.

CDF Big Room
ReadyTalk: 866-740-1260 AccessCode: 3951664