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18–24 Jun 2017
UC Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA
US/Pacific timezone

Electrophobic Scalar Boson and Muonic Puzzles

23 Jun 2017, 12:00
Emerald Bay A (UC Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA)

Emerald Bay A

UC Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA

Working Group Sessions Flavor and Precision Physics Working Group Working Group: Flavor and Precision Physics


Mr Yu-Sheng Liu (University of Washington)


A new scalar boson which couples to the muon and proton can simultaneously solve the proton radius puzzle and the muon anomalous magnetic moment discrepancy. Using a variety of measurements, we constrain the mass of this scalar and its couplings to the electron, muon, neutron, and proton. Making no assumptions about the underlying model, these constraints and the requirement that it solve both problems limit the mass of the scalar to between about 100 keV and 100 MeV. We identify two unexplored regions in the coupling constant-mass plane. Potential future experiments and their implications for theories with mass-weighted lepton couplings are discussed.

Primary authors

Dr David McKeen (University of Washington) Prof. Gerald Miller (University of Washington) Mr Yu-Sheng Liu (University of Washington)

Presentation materials