Working Group: Neutrino Physics: Latest Results from Experiment and Theory
- Robert Svoboda (UC Davis)
Working Group: Neutrino Physics: Future Oscillation Experiments
- Danny Marfatia (University of Hawaii)
Working Group: Neutrino Physics: Neutrino Scattering
- Milind Diwan (BNL)
Working Group: Neutrino Physics: Sterile Theory and SBL Experiments
- Alessandro Mirizzi (University of Bari)
Working Group: Neutrino Physics: Latest from Theory
- James Dent (University of Louisiana at Lafayette)
Working Group: Neutrino Physics: NSI and Heavy Neutrinos
- David McKeen (University of Pittsburgh)
Working Group: Neutrino Physics: Detector R&D
- Kazuhiro Terao (Nevis Laboratories, Columbia University)
Working Group: Neutrino Physics: Neutrino Mass and 0nu Double Beta Decay
- There are no conveners in this block
David Martinez Caicedo
(Illinois Institute of Technology)
20/06/2017, 11:20
Neutrino Physics Working Group
Working Group Sessions
The Daya Bay experiment has utilized eight functionally identical underground detectors to sample reactor antineutrino fluxes from three pairs of nuclear reactors in South China, accruing the largest reactor antineutrino sample to date. This talk will summarize Daya Bay’s most recent result, which presents observations of correlations between reactor core fuel evolution and changes in the...
Dmitry Svirida
20/06/2017, 11:40
Neutrino Physics Working Group
Working Group Sessions
DANSS project is aimed at the sterile neutrino searches in the short
range region. The detector is installed directly under the core of an industrial 3.1 GW reactor taking advantage of its body and shielding as an 50 m.w.e. overburden. The distance to the core center can be changed in the range of 10.7 to 12.7 m by means of a hoisting gear. The detection of inverse beta-decay is performed...
Thiago Sogo Bezerra
(Subatech Laboratory)
20/06/2017, 12:00
Neutrino Physics Working Group
Plenary Sessions
Nuclear reactor neutrinos were used on the first neutrino detection back in 1956. Since then our knowledge on neutrino physics haven't stopped broadening, and reactor neutrinos are still an important source of investigation. The Double Chooz (DC) is an experiment on neutrino oscillation based at Chooz nuclear power plant in France. Back in 2011 the DC collaboration reported an indication of...
Jianming Bian
(University of California, Irvine), Prof.
Norm Buchanan
(Colorado State University)
20/06/2017, 12:20
Neutrino Physics Working Group
Working Group Sessions
The NOvA experiment is a long-baseline accelerator-based neutrino oscillation experiment. It uses the upgraded NuMI beam from Fermilab to measure electron-neutrino appearance and muon-neutrino disappearance between the Near Detector, located at Fermilab, and the Far Detector, located at Ash River, Minnesota. The NuMI beam has recently reached and surpassed the 700kW power benchmark. NOvA's...
Irina Mocioiu
(Pennsylvania State University)
20/06/2017, 12:40
Neutrino Physics Working Group
Working Group Sessions
I will review the motivation for the existence of new physics in the neutrino sector and some approaches for searching or constraining such new physics with present and future data.
Anatael Cabrera
(CNRS/IN2P3 - APC & LNCA Laboratories (France))
20/06/2017, 14:30
Neutrino Physics Working Group
Working Group Sessions
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a 20 kton liquid scintillator detector that will study reactor antineutrinos emitted from two nuclear power plants in the south of China at a baseline of about 53km. With an unprecedented energy resolution, JUNO will be able to determine the neutrino mass ordering at 3-4 sigma significance within six years of running. JUNO will also be...
Shoei Nakayama
(Kamioka Observatory, ICRR, University of Tokyo)
20/06/2017, 14:50
Neutrino Physics Working Group
Working Group Sessions
Hyper-Kamiokande (Hyper-K) is proposed as a next-generation underground water Cherenkov detector having an enormous potential to discover proton decays and leptonic CP violation in neutrino oscillations. Two cylindrical tanks, each with a height of 60m and a diameter of 74m, will be filled with 520,000 metric tons of ultrapure water, a volume approximately 10 times larger than that of...
Jianming Bian
(University of California, Irvine)
20/06/2017, 15:10
Neutrino Physics Working Group
Working Group Sessions
DUNE, the DEEP Underground Neutrino Experiment, will be a groundbreaking experiment for long-baseline neutrino oscillation studies. Planning of DUNE continues to proceed rapidly. The DUNE Far Detector will consist of four 10-kiloton fiducial volume modular liquid argon time-projection chambers (LArTPC) placed deep underground at the Sanford Underground Research Facility in Lead, South Dakota,...
Marcos Dracos
20/06/2017, 15:30
Neutrino Physics Working Group
Working Group Sessions
After measuring in 2012 a relatively large value of the neutrino mixing angle θ13, the door is now open to observe for the first time a possible CP violation in the leptonic sector. The measured value of θ13 also privileges the 2nd oscillation maximum for the discovery of CP violation instead of the usually used 1st oscillation maximum. The sensitivity at this 2nd oscillation maximum is about...
Steven Dytman
(Univ. of Pittsburgh)
20/06/2017, 16:30
Neutrino Physics Working Group
Working Group Sessions
More and more realization of the importance of neutrino cross sections for high quality neutrino oscillation experiments has come in the few years. High quality objective results have been produced by MiniBooNE, MINERvA, and T2K in the last 7 years. At the same time, large improvements in the quality of physics models in the event generators have come. This talk will attempt to compare...
Clark McGrew
(Stony Brook University)
20/06/2017, 16:50
Neutrino Physics Working Group
Working Group Sessions
The T2K long-baseline neutrino experiment has new neutrino cross-section measurements. Measuring neutrino cross sections is vital as they correspond to a major systematic uncertainty for neutrino oscillation analyses. In particular, the new results focus on exploiting the water targets in the T2K off-axis near detector, ND280, updating our charged-current measurements with a wider phase...
Vittorio Paolone
(University of Pittsburgh)
20/06/2017, 17:10
Neutrino Physics Working Group
Working Group Sessions
Precision measurements of neutrino oscillation probabilities require an improved understanding of neutrino-nucleus interactions. MINERvA is a neutrino scattering experiment at Fermilab that utilizes the intense neutrino beam from the NuMI beam-line and a finely segmented scintillator based tracking detector to measure neutrino cross sections on various nuclear targets. MINERvA has published...
Kazuhiro Terao
(Nevis Laboratories, Columbia University)
20/06/2017, 17:30
Neutrino Physics Working Group
Working Group Sessions
MicroBooNE is a liquid-argon-based neutrino experiment, which is collecting data in the Fermilab Booster Neutrino Beam. MicroBooNE will directly probe the source of the anomalous excess of electron-like events in MiniBooNE, while also measuring low-energy neutrino cross sections and providing important R&D for future detectors. It is the first of three liquid argon TPC detectors planned for...
Hau-Bin Li
(Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica)
20/06/2017, 17:50
Neutrino Physics Working Group
Working Group Sessions
Germanium detectors with sub-keV sensitivities [1] offer a unique opportunity to study neutrino interactions and properties [2] as well as to search for light WIMP Dark Matter and axion-like particles [3]. The TEXONO Collaboration has been pursuing this research program at the Kuo Sheng Neutrino Laboratory (KSNL) in Taiwan. We will highlight our results on neutrino electromagnetic properties,...
Valentina De Romeri
21/06/2017, 11:30
Neutrino Physics Working Group
Working Group Sessions
If observed, charged lepton flavour violation (cLFV) is a clear sign of new physics. I will briefly review the experimental status of cLFV searches, both at low- and high-energies, as well as the prospects for the upcoming years. I will discuss cLFV in the context of extensions of the SM with sterile neutrinos, with a particular emphasis on low-energy seesaw mechanisms.
In particular, I will...
Hisakazu Minakata
(University of São Paulo)
21/06/2017, 11:50
Neutrino Physics Working Group
Working Group Sessions
We discuss characteristic difference between high- and low energy-scale leptonic unitarity violation. They include absence/presence of flavor universality and probability leaking term to "sterile" sector. We explore a possible method for pinning down the latter effect by using precision measurement of reactor neutrinos. We also discuss foundation of the framework of testing leptonic unitarity...
Yoomin Oh
(Center for Underground Physics, Institute for Basic Science)
21/06/2017, 12:10
Neutrino Physics Working Group
Working Group Sessions
To verify the possible existence of a light sterile neutrino, NEOS measured the inverse beta decay spectrum of reactor antineutrino at 24 m distance from a reactor core which has 2.8 GW thermal power. We found no strong evidence of active-to-sterile neutrino oscillation and set up new limits for the 3+1 hypothesis around Δm^2~1 eV^2. We are proposing a dedicated facility for various neutrino...
Michael Nieslony
(Mainz University)
21/06/2017, 12:30
Neutrino Physics Working Group
Working Group Sessions
The Borexino detector has convincingly shown its outstanding performances in the low energy regime through its accomplishments in the solar and geo neutrinos detection. These performances make it the ideal tool to accomplish a state-of-the-art, source based experiment able to test the long-standing issue of the existence of a sterile neutrino, as suggested by the several anomalous results...
James Matta
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
21/06/2017, 12:45
Neutrino Physics Working Group
Working Group Sessions
The PROSPECT experiment is designed to probe short-baseline neutrino oscillations and precisely measure the 235U reactor antineutrino spectrum. Using a ~4-ton segmented 6Li-loaded liquid scintillator detector, PROSPECT will probe the sterile neutrino best-fit region to 4 σ within one year of operation at distances of 7-12 meters from the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR). Additionally, the...
Ivan Jesus Martinez Soler
(PHD Student IFT)
21/06/2017, 14:30
Neutrino Physics Working Group
Working Group Sessions
In this work we present an analysis of signals from BSM physics in the IceCube neutrino telescope using the double pulse events. After more than 5 year taking data such events has not been observed, that allow us to establish new constraints in the parameters that describe BSM signals. We study which processes can be the source of such signals and the range of parameters accesible to the detector.
(Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
21/06/2017, 14:50
Neutrino Physics Working Group
Working Group Sessions
We analyse the neutrino oscillation phenomenology with a Dirac bulk mass in LED and comparing with the new data. Though tensions between MINOS, reactor and Miniboone data exist, different from previous studies of LED without bulk mass, we could explain Miniboone appearance. The results can also be interpreted in the framework of continuous clockwork geometry.
Daniel Wegman
21/06/2017, 15:10
Neutrino Physics Working Group
Working Group Sessions
Five years ago, results from the Daya Bay and RENO experiments found a non-zero θ13. The discovery of this non-zero value disfavoured the possibility of symmetry-based exact structures, such as tribimaximal, democratic, etc. The most common technique to accomplish a neutrino mixing matrix that contains experimentally allowed parameters is to start with one of these symmetry-based structures...
Maximilian Löschner
(University of Vienna)
21/06/2017, 15:30
Neutrino Physics Working Group
Working Group Sessions
An open question in flavour physics is whether a fundamental principle is responsible for the fermion mass hierarchies and the mixing matrices. One idea for such a principle is to implement so called flavour symmetries in the mass generating mechanisms, yielding predictable mixing angles. Our aim is to investigate radiative corrections to mixing angles and masses in a variety of new physics...
Potter Franklin
(Frmly: UC Irvine Physical Sciences)
21/06/2017, 15:50
Neutrino Physics Working Group
Working Group Sessions
Neutrino mixing may be the most important clue revealing that the 3 lepton families actually represent the different but related discrete symmetries of 3 specific finite groups. This clue could be interpreted to not add a single horizontal flavor symmetry but to have each lepton family represent a different finite subgroup of the electroweak SU(2) x U(1), thereby staying within the realm of...
Danny Marfatia
(University of Hawaii)
21/06/2017, 16:30
Neutrino Physics Working Group
Working Group Sessions
Muon neutrino disappearance measurements at NO$\nu$A suggest that maximal $\theta_{23}$ is excluded at the 2.6$\sigma$ CL. This is in mild tension with T2K data which prefer maximal mixing. We point out that the apparent departure from maximal mixing in NO$\nu$A may be a consequence of nonstandard neutrino propagation in matter. We then study such nonstandard matter effects in the next...
Mary Bishai
(Brookhaven National Laboratory), Dr
Poonam Mehta
21/06/2017, 16:50
Neutrino Physics Working Group
Working Group Sessions
Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is an upcoming long baseline neutrino oscilla- tion experiment with discovery of CP violation as its important primary goal. Additionally, DUNE is also sensitive to effects due to new physics which can interfere with inferences pertaining to un- known parameters especially the leptonic CP phase. In the present Letter, we combine experimental...
Rasmus Rasmussen
21/06/2017, 17:10
Neutrino Physics Working Group
Working Group Sessions
We discuss the parameter space reach of future experiments searching for heavy neutral leptons (HNLs) at the GeV scale. We focus on two classes of models: Generic assumptions (such as random mass matrices or the Casas-Ibarra parameterization) and flavor symmetry-generated models. We demonstrate that the generic approaches lead to comparable parameter space predictions, which tend to be at...
Arindam Das
21/06/2017, 17:30
Neutrino Physics Working Group
Working Group Sessions
The neutrino masses and flavor mixings, which are missing in the Standard Model (SM), can be naturally incorporated in the type-I seesaw extension of the SM with heavy Majorana neutrinos be- ing singlet under the SM gauge group. If the heavy Majorana neutrinos are around the electroweak scale and their mixings with the SM neutrinos are sizable, they can be produced at high energy colliders,...
Stefano Roberto Soleti
(University of Oxford)
23/06/2017, 09:00
Neutrino Physics Working Group
Working Group Sessions
The MicroBooNE experiment is a liquid argon time projection chamber (LAr TPC) designed for short-baseline neutrino oscillation physics. Its goals are to investigate the excess of low-energy electromagnetic events, observed by the MiniBooNE experiment, and to measure neutrino-argon cross-sections. MicroBooNE also provides important research and development in terms of the detector technology...
Andrea Falcone
23/06/2017, 09:15
Neutrino Physics Working Group
Working Group Sessions
The Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber in a Test Beam (LArIAT) experiment at the Fermilab's Test Beam Facility exposes a liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) to a test beam to study LArTPC responses to a variety of charged particles. Event identification and reconstruction techniques as well as cross section measurements from LArIAT will provide critical input to existing liquid...
Clark McGrew
(Stony Brook University)
23/06/2017, 09:30
Neutrino Physics Working Group
Working Group Sessions
All neutrino oscillation experiments face the problem of reconstructing the incoming neutrino energy using only the visible interaction products. Unfortunately, the initial neutrino interaction is not well understood, and some of the interaction products not are visible. In preparation the analysis of neutrino oscillation data collected using liquid argon time projection chambers, the...
Vincent Fischer
(UC Davis)
23/06/2017, 09:45
Neutrino Physics Working Group
Working Group Sessions
The Accelerator Neutrino Neutron Interaction Experiment (ANNIE) aims at measuring the neutron abundance in the final state of neutrino-nucleus interactions. This measurement will have a direct impact on our understanding of neutrino interactions and will lead to a better reduction of systematics errors and an improvement of signal-background discrimination in future large neutrino detectors,...
Spencer Axani
23/06/2017, 10:00
Neutrino Physics Working Group
Working Group Sessions
The ISOtope Decay-At-Rest (IsoDAR) experiment is designed to provide a unique search for short baseline $\bar{\nu_e}$ oscillations. By measuring $\bar{\nu_e}$ disappearance over an L/E of approximately 0.6-7.0 m/MeV with a kiloton class detector like KamLAND, we can conclusively test the current global allowed regions for a 3+1 sterile neutrino hypothesis. IsoDAR expands on several key...
Marco Grassi
(APC - IN2P3)
23/06/2017, 10:15
Neutrino Physics Working Group
Working Group Sessions
Liquid Scintillator (LS) detectors have been at the forefront of neutrino physics thanks to their scalability. Realizing large detectors has indeed been pivotal to compensate for the extremely elusive nature of neutrino interactions. The LS’ capability to act at the same time as both the interaction medium and the detection medium, allowed to use LS detectors as homogeneous calorimeters with...
Marc Bergevin
23/06/2017, 10:30
Neutrino Physics Working Group
Working Group Sessions
New technologies have been developed in the last decade that may provide significant improvements in the physics capabilities of water-based detectors. These technologies, such as gadolinium-doping and water-base liquid scintillator (wbLS), may lead to better characterizations of supernova bursts, in turn providing a clearer picture of the underlining core-collapse physics. An overview of the...
Kaixuan Ni
(UC San Diego)
23/06/2017, 10:45
Neutrino Physics Working Group
Working Group Sessions
DARWIN is the next generation liquid xenon experiment to probe the weak interactions for dark matter and neutrino physics. With a target mass ten times more than the current world’s largest liquid xenon detector (XENON1T), DARWIN will probe the WIMP-nucleon cross section down to the 10^-49 cm^2 region, measure the solar pp-neutrino flux down to sub-percent precision, probe the...
Xun-Jie Xu
(Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg)
23/06/2017, 11:20
Neutrino Physics Working Group
Working Group Sessions
We revisit the possibility of distinguishing between Dirac and Majorana neutrinos via neutrino-electron elastic scattering in the presence of all possible Lorentz-invariant interactions. Defining proper observables, certain regions of the parameter space can only be reached for Dirac neutrinos, but never for Majorana neutrinos, thus providing an alternative method to differentiate these two...
Oleg Popov
(Department of Physics and Astronomy, UC Riverside)
23/06/2017, 11:35
Neutrino Physics Working Group
Working Group Sessions
I will give a summary of 3 projects that I have worked on:
1)Dark Gauge U(1) Symmetry for an Alternative Left-Right Model
An alternative left-right model of quarks and leptons, where the SU(2)$_R$ lepton doublet $(\nu, l)_R$ is replaced with (n, l)$_R$ so that n$_R$ is not the Dirac mass partner of $\nu_L$,has been known since 1987. Previous versions assumed a global U(1)S symmetry to...
Antonio Branca
(INFN Padova)
23/06/2017, 11:50
Neutrino Physics Working Group
Working Group Sessions
The Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events (CUORE) is the first bolometric experiment reaching the 1-ton scale. The detector consists of an array of 988 TeO2 crystals arranged in a cylindrical compact structure of 19 towers. The construction of the experiment and, in particular, the installation of all towers in the cryostat was completed in August 2016: the experiment is now in...
Wenqin Xu
(University of South Dakota)
23/06/2017, 12:05
Neutrino Physics Working Group
Working Group Sessions
Neutrinoless double-beta decay (NLDBD) is a hypothesized process where two neutrons decay into two protons and two electrons simultaneously without emitting neutrinos. This decay is possible only if neutrinos are Majorana particles, i.e. fermions that are their own antiparticles. NLDBD is the only experimentally feasible way to establish the Majorana nature of neutrinos. Neutrinos being...
Gonzalo Martínez Lema
(Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)
23/06/2017, 12:20
Neutrino Physics Working Group
Working Group Sessions
NEXT is an experiment aiming for the discovery of the neutrinoless double beta decay in 136Xe. Using a high-pressure TPC with electroluminescence amplification and a combination of PMTs and SiPMs as detection technologies, the energy resolution has been measured to be better than 1% FWHM @ Qbb with smaller prototypes. The underground operation of the latest prototype (NEW) has recently begun...
Maria Martinez
(Roma La Sapienza)
23/06/2017, 12:35
Neutrino Physics Working Group
Working Group Sessions
With their excellent energy resolution, efficiency, and intrinsic radio-purity, cryogenic calorimeters are primed for the search of neutrino-less double beta decay (0nDBD). The sensitivity of these devices could be further increased by discriminating the dominant alpha background from the expected beta like signal. The CUPID-0 collaboration aims at demonstrating that the measurement of the...
Richard Bonventre
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)
23/06/2017, 12:50
Neutrino Physics Working Group
Working Group Sessions
The SNO+ experiment is located at SNOLAB in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. It will employ 780 tons of liquid scintillator loaded, in its initial phase, with 1.3 tons of 130Te (0.5% by mass) for a low-background and high-isotope-mass search for neutrino-less double beta decay. SNO+ uses the acrylic vessel and PMT array of the SNO detector with several experimental upgrades and necessary adaptations...