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Jun 18 – 24, 2017
UC Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA
US/Pacific timezone

Neutrino Mass Models

Jun 23, 2017, 11:35 AM
Pacific Ballroom C (UC Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA)

Pacific Ballroom C

UC Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA

Working Group Sessions Neutrino Physics Working Group Working Group: Neutrino Physics


Oleg Popov (Department of Physics and Astronomy, UC Riverside)


I will give a summary of 3 projects that I have worked on: 1)Dark Gauge U(1) Symmetry for an Alternative Left-Right Model An alternative left-right model of quarks and leptons, where the SU(2)$_R$ lepton doublet $(\nu, l)_R$ is replaced with (n, l)$_R$ so that n$_R$ is not the Dirac mass partner of $\nu_L$,has been known since 1987. Previous versions assumed a global U(1)S symmetry to allow n to be identified as a dark-matter fermion (scotino). We propose here a gauge extension by the addition of extra fermions to render the model free of gauge anomalies,and just one singlet scalar to break U(1)S. This results in two layers of dark matter,one hidden behind the other. This is the gauged version of the arXiv:0901.0981, arXiv:1002.0692 2)Gauge U(1)R Family Symmetry and Scotogenic Fermion Masses SM is extended by a $U(1)_R$ Gauge Family Symmetry under which only Right handed fermions are charged. 3'rd family masses are generated at the tree level, to generate masses for the other 2 families we utilize scotogenic mechanism via introduction of extra particles in the dark sector. 3)Scotogenic Inverse Seesaw model of Neutrino mass A variation of the original 2006 radiative seesaw model of neutrino mass through dark matter is shown to realize the notion of inverse seesaw naturally. The dark-matter candidate here is the lightest of three real singlet scalars which may also carry flavor. 4) I might also talk on the Neutrino Mass generated radiativly by the non-Abelian Vector Dark Matter.

Primary authors

Mr Corey Kownacki (Department of Physics and Astronomy, UC Riverside) Prof. Ernest Ma (Department of Physics and Astronomy, UC Riverside) Mr Nicholas Pollard (Department of Physics and Astronomy, UC Riverside) Oleg Popov (Department of Physics and Astronomy, UC Riverside) Dr Sean Fraser (Department of Physics and Astronomy, UC Riverside) Mr Zakeri Mohammadreza (Department of Physics and Astronomy, UC Riverside)

Presentation materials