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25–27 Apr 2013
Argonne National Laboratory
US/Central timezone

As part of the ongoing 2013 Community Summer Study ("Snowmass") the Intensity Frontier working group will hosted an all-hands workshop on April 25-27, 2013 at Argonne National Laboratory. This workshop will directly follow a writers meeting of the Project X Physics Study which was held at Fermilab on April 24, 2013.

Charge for the April 2013 Intensity Frontier Workshop

Develop a coherent and interconnected view of the Intensity Frontier that will be presented at Snowmass. Describe future facilities and experiments at the Intensity Frontier and their capabilities.  Document the contributions of the Intensity Frontier towards addressing the major questions in particle physics and explain how and why it is complementary to the other frontiers, which together constitute experimental particle physics. Leave the workshop with a clear understanding of what the approach will be at Snowmass 2013.

  The Intensity Frontier working group is charged with summarizing the current state of knowledge, and identifying the most promising future opportunities at the Intensity Frontier.  The working groups and their conveners are:
IF1: Quark Flavor Physics (Joel Butler, Zoltan Ligeti, Jack Ritchie)
IF2: Charged Lepton Processes (Brendan Casey, Yuval Grossman, David Hitlin)
IF3: Neutrinos (Andre DeGouvea, Kevin Pitts, Kate Scholberg, Sam Zeller)
IF4: Baryon Number Violation (K.S. Babu, Ed Kearns)
IF5: New Light, Weakly Coupled Particles (Rouven Essig, John Jaros, William Wester)
IF6: Nucleons, Nuclei, and Atoms (Krishna Kumar, Zheng-Tian Lu, Michael Ramsey-Musolf)
 More information about the Intensity Frontier working group is available here.
Argonne National Laboratory
Bldg. 362 Auditorium
9700 S. Cass Avenue Lemont, IL 60439
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