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15–26 Aug 2022
US/Central timezone

Due to the challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic, this session of the  HCPSS2022 school will be a virtual event.

This is the application page for the 17th joint Fermilab-CERN Hadron Collider Summer School, to be held August 15-25, 2022 at Fermilab.

Local Organizing Committee:
John Campbell (Fermilab)
Jennet Dickinson (Fermilab)
Walter Giele, co-chair (Fermilab)
Florian Herren (Fermilab)
Walter Hopkins (Argonne)
Cristian Pena (Fermilab)
Nhan Tran, co-chair (Fermilab)

International Advisory Committee:
Artur Apresyan (Fermilab)
Anadi Canepa (Fermilab)
Albert De Roeck (CERN)
Estia Eichten (Fermilab)
Ron Harnik (Fermilab)
Jim Hirschauer (Fermilab)
Stefan Hoeche (Fermilab)
Sergo Jindariani (Fermilab)
Jaco Koningsberg (Florida
Patrick Koppenburg (Nikhef) 
Michelangelo Mangano (CERN)
Pier Monni (CERN)
Filip Moortgat (CERN)
Aleandro Nisati (Rome I)
Brian Petersen (CERN)
Giovanni Petrucciani (CERN)
Peter Richardson (CERN/IPPP)
Ian Shipsey (Oxford)
Maria Spiropulu (Caltech)

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Batavia, IL