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25–27 Aug 2015
Livermore Valley Open Campus
US/Pacific timezone

Superconducting photonic band gap structures for high-current applications

27 Aug 2015, 10:50
Yosemite Room (Livermore Valley Open Campus)

Yosemite Room

Livermore Valley Open Campus


Dr Dmitry Shchegolkov (Los Alamos National Laboratory)


We report the results of recent design and testing of several 2.1 GHz superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) photonic band gap (PBG) resonators. PBG cells have great potential for outcoupling long-range wakefields in SRF accelerator structures without affecting the fundamental accelerating mode. Here we describe the results of our efforts to fabricate 2.1 GHz PBG cells with round and elliptical rods and to test them with high power at liquid helium temperatures.

Primary author


Dr Dmitry Shchegolkov (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Sergey Arsenyev (MIT)

Presentation materials