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26–30 Sep 2016
Fermilab - Wilson Hall
US/Central timezone
The Department of Energy LSO Workshop is for individuals with laser safety responsibility and interest in a research or academic setting who want to update and expand their knowledge. It features presentations on current laser applications, and associated laser safety issues and solutions. Anyone interested in laser safety will not want to miss this one-of-a-kind workshop! The workshop also serves as the official annual meeting of the U.S. Department of Energy Laser Safety Task Group (DOE - EFCOG).
The Workshop is a 2.5-day meeting and will include both invited and contributed talks.  A draft agenda is available by clicking the 'Agenda' tab at the left of the Workshop webpage.
Certification Maintenance points for Workshop participation will be available.  The request to approve points/credits for the 2016 DOE LSO Workshop will be made at the conclusion of the workshop.  BLS has previously awarded 2.5 CM points, AAHP has awarded 20 CECs,  and ABIH has awarded 16 hours of CM credit.
The Board of Laser Safety will offer its Certified Laser Safety Officer (CLSO) and Certified Medical Laser Safety Officer (CMLSO) examinations prior to the workshop on Monday, September 26th. Contact Barbara Sams for more information.
Fermilab - Wilson Hall
One West
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Batavia, IL