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11–13 Nov 2015
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
US/Central timezone

Research facilities driven by proton beams have an impressive track record of promoting scientific and technological innovation to the direct benefit of the knowledge-based economy.

The US has a track record of excellence in the provision of particle-accelerator facilities and is embarking on the development of the proton-accelerator complex that will be the heart of the Long Baseline Neutrino Facility (LBNF). This facility will be the first international facility for the study of the properties of the neutrino. It will support the international community in a discovery programme that will exploit a suite of short-baseline detectors as well as the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in South Dakota.

The UK also has an impressive track record in the provision of accelerators for science and innovation. ISIS at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory supports a large and vaibrant international community in a broad range of experimental investigations. The UK will make a substantial contribution to the European Spallation Source and continues both to develop the ISIS proton accelerator and to contribute to the develpment of the CERN proton complex.

Both the UK and the US are the key stakeholders of CERN which is the world's energy-frontier laboratory for particle physics.

Not only do advances in accelerator technology make it possible to conceive of entirely new accelerator facilities capable of expanding the horizons of the world's scientists, but, it is now possible to define the R&D path to the proton-accelerator based facilities that will revolutionise the health-care, clean-energy, and security agendas.

The Proton Accelerators for Science and Innovation workshop that will be held at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory from the 11th to the 13th November 2015 is the third meeting in the series. It is our ambition that this workshop will focus on the collaborative development of multi-MW sources for neutrinos and neutron production, the next generation of accelerators for medice and novel accelerator techniques for the science and innovation facilities of the future.

Specifically, the meeting will:
  • Review progress since the last workshop;
  • Discuss prospects for the future;
  • Explore areas of common interests (e.g. PIP-II, medical, MICE, exploitation, target development)
The overall goal of the meeting is to identify areas of mutual interest and foster collaboration between the U.K. and U.S. on proton source R&D.
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Wilson Hall One West
Batavia, IL
Sponsors: - UK: Imperial College London - UK: Science and Technology Facilities Council - US: Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Initiating group: - Ken Long ( - Peter Ratoff ( - John Thomason ( - Andrei Seryi ( - Swapan Chattopadhyay ( - Steve Geer ( - Steve Holmes ( Local organizing committee: - Alan Bross ( - Swapan Chattopadhyay ( - Fernanda G. Garcia ( - Steve Geer ( - Steve Holmes ( - Patrick Hurh ( - Sergei Nagaitsev ( - Melody Saperston ( - Cynthia Sazama ( - Suzanne Weber ( Working groups, room locations, and conveners: - WG1 - High-power proton accelerators (TBD) UK: Juergen Pozimski ( UK: Dan Faircloth ( US: Fernanda G. Garcia ( - WG2 - High-power targets (TBD) UK: Chris Densham ( US: Patrick Hurh ( - WG3 - Medical applications (TBD) UK: Rob Apsimon ( US: Thomas Kroc ( - WG4 - Next generation/Novel accelerators (TBD) UK: Suzie Sheehy ( US: Eric Prebys (