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14–16 Jun 2016
US/Central timezone


"End-of-MINOS” reception

16 Jun 2016, 18:10
Ramsey Auditorium (Fermilab)

Ramsey Auditorium



"End-of-MINOS” reception: The MINOS and MINOS+ Collaborations would like to invite attendees of the Annual Users Meeting to an "End-of-MINOS” reception that will follow the last session on June 16, 6-7:30pm in the Wilson Hall atrium.

  • Jenny Thomas (UCL)
  • Karol Lang (UT at Austin)


The last MINOS+ data-taking period will be completed at the end of the present NuMI run. The MINOS proposal was approved in 1995 and construction began in 1998. The Far Detector started operations in 2003, and in 2005 the NuMI beam line and Near Detector were completed. Over more than a decade, MINOS and now MINOS+ used the NuMI neutrino beam and a two-detector configuration with a 735km-long baseline to achieve the best measurement of the atmospheric mass mixing parameter to date. MINOS also set some of the most stringent constraints for sterile neutrinos and provided precise neutrino cross-section measurements, among many other measurements.

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