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6–9 Jun 2016
US/Pacific timezone

Contribution List

46 / 46
Prof. David Hitlin (Caltech)
06/06/2016, 09:00
Dr Fabio Anulli (INFN Roma)
06/06/2016, 09:05
Prof. Susan Gardner (U Kentucky)
06/06/2016, 09:35
Dr Ian Watson (University of Tokyo)
06/06/2016, 10:05
Yasmine Amhis (Laboratoire de L'Accélerateur Linéaire)
06/06/2016, 11:00
Dr Martino Borsato (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela)
06/06/2016, 11:30
Dr Rafael Silva Coutinho (Universität Zürich)
06/06/2016, 12:00
Javier Virto (University of Bern)
06/06/2016, 14:00
Mr Shigeki Hirose (Nagoya University)
06/06/2016, 14:30
Dr Marat Freytsis (University of Oregon)
06/06/2016, 15:00
Dr Hailong Ma (Institue of High Energy Physics, CAS, China)
06/06/2016, 16:00
Dr John Walsh (INFN, Pisa)
06/06/2016, 16:30
Sébastien Descotes-Genon
06/06/2016, 17:00
Dr Hajime Muramatsu (U. of Minnesota)
07/06/2016, 09:00
Prof. Steven Blusk (Syracuse University)
07/06/2016, 09:30
Prof. Kathryn Zurek
07/06/2016, 10:00
Dr Ruth Van de Water (Fermilab)
07/06/2016, 11:00
Dr Christopher Kelly (Columbia University)
07/06/2016, 11:30
Prof. Taku Yamanaka (Osaka University / IUPAP C11)
07/06/2016, 12:00
Prof. Themis Bowcock (University of Liverpool)
07/06/2016, 14:00
Dr Liang Yan (Turin University & INFN)
07/06/2016, 14:30
Taku Izubuchi (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
07/06/2016, 15:00
Nobuhiro Shimizu
07/06/2016, 16:00
Prof. Kim Maltman (York University)
07/06/2016, 16:30
Eugenio Paoloni (INFN and University of Pisa)
07/06/2016, 17:00
Johannes Brandstetter (Vienna Institut of High Energy Physics (HEPHY))
08/06/2016, 08:30
Prolay Kumar Mal
08/06/2016, 09:00
Jike Wang
08/06/2016, 09:30
Prof. Christopher Hearty (U. British Columbia / IPP)
08/06/2016, 11:00
Harry Nelson (UCSB)
08/06/2016, 11:30
Prof. Brad Filippone (Caltech)
08/06/2016, 12:00
Dr Gianluca Cavoto (INFN Roma)
08/06/2016, 15:00
Richard Bonventre (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)
08/06/2016, 15:30
Dr Joshua Albert (Indiana University)
08/06/2016, 16:00
Dr Jibo He (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
09/06/2016, 09:00
Dr Liang Yan
09/06/2016, 09:30
Dr Estia Eichten (Fermilab)
09/06/2016, 10:00
James Napolitano
09/06/2016, 11:00
Dr Louise Suter (Argonne)
09/06/2016, 11:30
Prof. Andre de Gouvea (Northwestern University)
09/06/2016, 12:00
Prof. Yasuyuki Horii (Nagoya University)
09/06/2016, 14:00
Laura Gavardi (TU Dortmund, on behalf of the LHCb Collaboration)
09/06/2016, 14:30
Mary Bishai (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
09/06/2016, 15:00
Dr Adrian Bevan (Queen Mary University of London)
09/06/2016, 16:00
Prof. Thomas Mannel (University of Siegen)
09/06/2016, 16:40
Prof. Zdenek Dolezal (Charles University in Prague)
09/06/2016, 17:20