Intl' Workshop on Global Fits to Neutrino Scattering Data and Generator Tuning (NuTune2016)

University of Liverpool

University of Liverpool

Costas Andreopoulos (University of Liverpool and STFC/RAL)
We are pleased to announce a Workshop on Global Fits to Neutrino Scattering Data and Generator Tuning (NuTune2016) to be held at the University of Liverpool in UK from the 11th till the 15th of July this year. (This is the week after Neutrino 2016 held in London.)
The first part of workshop (11-12) is open to the entire community and will feature discussion of current tuning efforts as well as in-depth talks and discussions of datasets and models which are crucial in these efforts. We encourage the submission of abstracts as well as topics for discussion.
The second part of the workshop (13-15) is by invitation only and it will focus on advancing work towards the goal of producing a new comprehensive tune of the GENIE generator by the end-of-summer timeframe.