Quark and Lepton Flavor: Monday morning
- Alexey Petrov (Wayne State University / MCTP)
Quark and Lepton Flavor: Tuesday morning
- Alexey Petrov (Wayne State University / MCTP)
Quark and Lepton Flavor: Tuesday afternoon
- marina artuso (syracuse university)
Quark and Lepton Flavor: Wednesday morning
- Alexey Petrov (Wayne State University / MCTP)
Quark and Lepton Flavor: Wednesday afternoon
- marina artuso (syracuse university)
Quark and Lepton Flavor: Thursday morning
- Sheldon Stone (Syracuse University)
Quark and Lepton Flavor: Thursday afternoon
- marina artuso (syracuse university)
Yuri Oksuzian
(Univeristy of Virginia)
7/31/17, 10:45 AM
Quark and Lepton Flavor
Searching for Muon to electron conversion : The Mu2e experiment at Fermilab
The Mu2e experiment will measure the charged-lepton flavor violating (CLFV) neutrino-less conversion of a negative muon into an electron in the field of a nucleus. The conversion process results in a monochromatic electron with an energy slightly below the muon rest mass (104.97 MeV). Mu2e will improve the previous...
Paul Moch
(Theoretische Physik 1, University of Siegen)
7/31/17, 11:03 AM
Quark and Lepton Flavor
Combining Pati-Salam (PS) and flavour symmetries in a renormalisable setup,
we devise a scenario which produces realistic masses for the charged
leptons. Flavour-symmetry breaking scalar fields in the adjoint
representations of the PS gauge group are responsible for generating different
flavour structures for up- and down-type quarks as well as for leptons.
The model is characterised by...
Derek Hazard
(Wayne State University)
7/31/17, 11:21 AM
Quark and Lepton Flavor
We argue that lepton flavor violating (LFV) decays $M \to \ell_1 \overline \ell_2$ of quarkonium and heavy quark meson states $M$ with different quantum numbers could be used to put constraints on the Wilson coefficients of effective operators describing LFV interactions at low energy scales. We note that the restricted kinematics of the two-body decay of quarkonium or a heavy quark meson...
Pedro Machado
7/31/17, 11:39 AM
Quark and Lepton Flavor
In this talk I will construct a flavor model with a gauge boson below the weak scale. The model is viable and shows the synergy between low energy observables, meson decays, neutrino oscillations, and LHC physics. The role of neutrinos will be highlighted.
K.S. Babu
(Oklahoma State University),
Shaikh Saad
(Oklahoma State University)
7/31/17, 11:57 AM
Quark and Lepton Flavor
We present a flavor gauge model based on $O(3)_L \times O(3)_R$ gauge symmetry, a maximal anomaly-free subgroup of the standard model flavor symmetry. In this model the fermion mass hierarchy has a dynamical origin. The model provides a UV complete realization of the Minimal Flavor Violation Hypothesis. Implications for quark sector and lepton sector flavor violation arising through higher...
Peter Garbincius
8/1/17, 10:45 AM
Quark and Lepton Flavor
We use the full Run II dataset consisting of 10.4 fb −1 of pp̄ collisions recorded by the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron collider at sqrt s = 1.96 TeV to search for new exotic multiquark states. We report the evidence of a new state X(5568) decaying to Bsπ seen in the Bs → J/ψφ decay channel and its independent confirmation in the semi-leptonic channel Bs → μ± Ds∓ X. We also report on...
Ivan Polyakov
8/1/17, 11:03 AM
Quark and Lepton Flavor
We report on the first observation of excited hadronic states in both the charm and beauty sector with special emphasis on the observation of five excited Omega_c states.
Similar techniques are used to search the LHCb data for states observed in other datasets, such as the tetraquark state X(5568) whose evidence was reported by D0.
Liming Zhang
(Tsinghua University)
8/1/17, 11:21 AM
Quark and Lepton Flavor
The observation of two pentaquark resonances and the proof of the resonant nature of the Zc state opened to the search for the many isospin partner of these multi-quark states. We review the studies of these states and discuss the prospects for the analyses of the LHCb Run2 data.
Yang Bai
(University of Wisconsin-Madison)
8/1/17, 11:39 AM
Quark and Lepton Flavor
Non-relativistic two-body heavy quark system has been proved to be very useful to understand the QCD dynamics. Extending it to many-body heavy quark system may not just provide a new and interesting tetraquark state, but also helps us to understand QCD more. In this talk, I will discuss a way to calculate the ground-state energy of a tetraquark of four beauty quarks, which can behave as a...
Suman Baral
(Baylor University)
8/1/17, 11:57 AM
Quark and Lepton Flavor
The first results of a new application of the Thomas-Fermi statistical quark model to mesonic states will be presented. Interesting aspects of the theory will be discussed, distinguishing such states from baryonic matter. A major motivation of this study is the tetraquark states discovered at the LHC and the possibility that stable multi-quark families of such states exist. Similar to the...
Bilas Pal
(University of Cincinnati)
8/1/17, 1:30 PM
Quark and Lepton Flavor
We report the recent results of charmed baryon decays, based on the data collected by the Belle experiment at the KEKB collider. This includes the studies of Lambda_c+->phi p pi0, Lambda_c+->pi+ K- p pi0 and Lambda_c+->pi- K+ p decays.
Hajime Muramatsu
(University of Minnesota)
8/1/17, 1:48 PM
Quark and Lepton Flavor
BESIII collected about 567 pb-1 of e+e- annihilation data at Ecm = 4.6 GeV
which is close to the mass threshold of Lambda_c pair.
By employing this unique data set, we determine the absolute branching
fractions for 18 decays of charmed baryon Lambda_c for the first time with much
improved precision, which are important for both charmed baryons and B physics.
We also report observations...
Bai-Cian Ke
(BESIII (Carnegie Mellon University))
8/1/17, 2:06 PM
Quark and Lepton Flavor
With 2.93/fb and 3.19/fb e+e- annihilation samples taken at Ecm = 3.773 and 4.178 GeV, respectively, we perform amplitude analyses of D0 -> 4-body.
We also measure the CP asymmetries of D+ -> K_(S/L) K+ (pi0) and y_CP based on
D0 -> K_(S/L) pi0 (pi0). Additionally, we report measurements of branching fractions
for D(s)(0+) -> hh(+), h0h0h0, and final states that contain two K_Ss.
Diego Tonelli
(INFN Trieste)
8/1/17, 2:24 PM
Quark and Lepton Flavor
The LHCb collabotration reports on a new measurement of the flavor-specific $B^0_s$ lifetime and of the $D^0_s$ lifetime based on semileptonic decays. Using proton-proton collisions at center-of-mass energies of 7 and 8 TeV, and corresponding to 3.0 fb$^{-1}$ of integrated luminosity, $B^0_s \rightarrow D^{(*)-}_s \mu^+ \nu_\mu$ decays are partially reconstructed in the $K^+K^-\pi^-\mu^+$...
Rachael Creager
(University of Pennsylvania)
8/1/17, 2:42 PM
Quark and Lepton Flavor
The identification of jets containing b hadrons is essential for many different searches and measurements on ATLAS. A calibration of the b-jet identification efficiency is presented for several different algorithms, using data collected by the ATLAS detector in 2016 corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 11.6 \fb of proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The...
David London
(Universite de Montreal)
8/2/17, 10:45 AM
Quark and Lepton Flavor
The recent measurement of R_K* is yet another hint of new physics (NP), and
supports the idea that it is present in b -> s mu+ mu- decays. Others have performed model-independent analyses, finding that the NP must obey one of two scenarios: (I) C_9(NP) < 0 or (II) C_9(NP) = -C_10(NP) < 0. We confirm this, and show that more information about the NP can be obtained by combining this result...
Sheldon Stone
(Syracuse University)
8/2/17, 11:08 AM
Quark and Lepton Flavor
Rare b->sll decays are flavour changing neutral current processes that are forbidden at the lowest perturbative order in the Standard Model (SM).
As a consequence, new particles in SM extensions can significantly affect the branching fractions of these decays and their angular distributions.
The LHCb experiment is ideally suited for the analysis of these decays due to its high trigger...
marina artuso
(syracuse university)
8/2/17, 11:28 AM
Quark and Lepton Flavor
Rare decays are flavour changing neutral current processes that allow sensitive searches for phenomena beyond the Standard Model (SM).
In the SM, rare decays are loop-suppressed and new particles in SM extensions can give significant contributions.
The very rare decay Bs->mumu is in addition helicity suppressed and constitutes a powerful probe for new (pseudo) scalar particles.
Sam Cunliffe
(Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
8/2/17, 11:49 AM
Quark and Lepton Flavor
Rare, and flavor-changing neutral current B decays are an important probe in the search for physics beyond the Standard Model. There have recently been several anomalies in rare B decays, and lepton-universality measurements, specifically involving the b → sl+l− quark transition. These results tend towards a non-Standard-Model interpretation.
The Belle II experiment is a next-generation...
Saurabh Sandilya
(University of Cincinnati)
8/2/17, 1:30 PM
Quark and Lepton Flavor
Flavor changing neutral current (FCNC) B decays are forbidden at tree level in the Standard Model (SM) and proceed at lowest order through penguin loop and box diagrams. These types of rare B decays are sensitive to contributions from non-SM particles which can enter into
the loop diagram.
The Belle detector has recorded world's largest e+e- collision dataset at the Y(4S) resonance,...
Benedetto Gianluca Siddi
(INFN Ferrara)
8/2/17, 1:48 PM
Quark and Lepton Flavor
In the Standard Model, the three charged lepton are identical copies of each other, apart from mass differences. Experimental tests of this feature in decays of semileptonic b hadrons, such as B->D*taunu, are highly sensitive to New Physics particles which preferentially couple to the 3rd generation. This talk will review the latest lepton universality tests in semileptonic b->c transitions at LHCb.
Peter Garbincius
8/2/17, 2:06 PM
Quark and Lepton Flavor
We present the first measurement of the direct CP-violating charge asymmetry in B± mesons decaying to μ± D0 X where the D0 decays to K+ π− , using 10.4 fb−1 of proton-antiproton collisions collected by the D0 detector during Run II at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider.
Bhaskar Dutta
(Texas A&M University)
8/2/17, 2:24 PM
Quark and Lepton Flavor
Abstract: Recently reported R(K) and R(K*) anomalies by the LHCb experiment have prompted investigations for new physics models with flavor changing new extra gauge Boson, Z'. The Z', in these models, only needs to couple with b, mu and s in order to explain the B-anomalies. We investigate these Z's at the LHC utilizing b-fusions (arising from gluon splitting) with leptonic final state in the...
Ruth Van de Water
8/2/17, 2:42 PM
Quark and Lepton Flavor
The Muon g-2 Experiment that just commenced running at Fermilab intends to probe the present 3-sigma tension between theory and experiment by reducing the experimental uncertainty by a factor of four. In order, however, to determine definitively whether any future observed deviation is due to new physics, the Standard-Model theory error must be brought to the same level of precision. Lattice...
Huijing Li
8/3/17, 10:45 AM
Quark and Lepton Flavor
The world's largest e+e- collision samples at Ecm = 3.773, 4.009, 4.178, and
4.6 GeV have been accumulated at BESIII. By analyzing the decays of D(s)+ ->
l+v (l=mu, tau) and D(s) -> (P/V) l+ v (l=e, mu), we report the determinations of
CKM matrix elements |Vcs(d)|, the D(s)+ decay constants fD(s)+, the form factors
f^K/pi_+(0) of D semi-leptonic decays. These are important to calibrate...
Matthew Rudolph
(Syracuse University)
8/3/17, 11:03 AM
Quark and Lepton Flavor
With large branching fractions and controllable theoretical uncertainties, semileptonic B decays are excellent tools for measuring B hadron properties such as lifetimes, as well as the determination of the CKM matrix elements, |Vxb| and studying non-perturbative QCD. This talk will review the latest measurements with semileptonic B decays at the LHCb experiment.
Zechariah Gelzer
(University of Iowa)
8/3/17, 11:21 AM
Quark and Lepton Flavor
We present the status of an ongoing lattice-QCD calculation of form factors for exclusive semileptonic decays of $B$ mesons with both charged currents ($B\to\pi\ell\nu$, $B_s\to K\ell\nu$) and neutral currents ($B\to\pi\ell^+\ell^-$, $B\to K\ell^+\ell^-$). The results are important for constraining or revealing physics beyond the Standard Model. This work uses MILC's (2+1+1)-flavor ensembles,...
Gerald Eigen
8/3/17, 11:39 AM
Quark and Lepton Flavor
We present results of a new analysis campaign, which combines the final data samples collected by the B factory experiments BaBar and Belle in single physics analyses to achieve a unique sensitivity in time-dependent CP violation measurements. The data samples contain (471 +- 3) x 10^6 BB pairs recorded by the BaBar detector and (772 +- 11) x 10^6 BB pairs recorded by the Belle detector in...
Maria Vieites Diaz
(Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)
8/3/17, 11:57 AM
Quark and Lepton Flavor
LHCb has been collecting the world's largest sample of beauty hadrons available to date. This sample has been used to measure different sources of CP violation and search for beyond-the-standard-model physics. We present a selection of measurements performed by LHCb using the full Run 1 dataset and in some cases part of the Run-2 dataset, notably including: the measurements of the semileptonic...
Riccardo Cenci
(University of Pisa - INFN Pisa, Italy)
8/3/17, 1:30 PM
Quark and Lepton Flavor
LHCb continues to expand its world-leading sample of charmed hadrons collected during LHC’s Run 1 (2010-2012) and Run 2 (2015- present). This sample is yielding some of the most stringent tests of the Standard Model understanding of charm physics. This includes precise measurements of the neutral D-meson mixing parameters and some of the most sensitive searches for direct and indirect CP...
Alexey Petrov
(Wayne State University / MCTP)
8/3/17, 1:48 PM
Quark and Lepton Flavor
Precise unambiguous predictions of CP-violating observables in charm decays are hard and often plagued by non-perturbative uncertainties. We calculate hadronic matrix elements with penguin topology in the weak nonleptonic D -> pi^+\pi^- and D -> K^+K^- decays using techniques of light-cone QCD sum rules. With that, we perform numerical analysis and estimate the direct CP-asymmetry in D ->...
Minakshi Nayak
(Wayne State University)
8/3/17, 2:06 PM
Quark and Lepton Flavor
We report for the first time search for D-mixing in CP-odd mode using D->Ksomega, omega->pi+pi-pi0 using data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 966 fb-1 collected by the Belle experiment at the KEKB asymmetric-energy e+e- collider. This decay mode is important as it has higher branching fraction than other CP-odd modes except Kspi0.
Brian Beckford
(University of Michigan)
8/3/17, 2:24 PM
Quark and Lepton Flavor
We have performed a search for the K—>π0νν decay with the KOTO detector at J-PARC. The KOTO detector was designed to observe the decay and measure its branching ratio (BR). Focusing on this rare “golden” decay in quark flavor physics provides an ideal candidate to probe for physics beyond the standard model (BSM). The established experimental upper limit of the branching ratio was set by the...
Stephanie Su
(University of Michigan)
8/3/17, 2:42 PM
Quark and Lepton Flavor
The KOTO experiment is a particle physics experiment located in J-PARC, Japan, aiming to explore physics beyond the Standard Model by measuring the branching ratio of the KL →π^0 νν ̅ decay. This decay has not yet been observed. The branching ratio predicted by the Standard Model of (3.0±0.3)×10-11 and the current experimental upper limit established by KEK E391a is 2.6×10-8.
The signal of...