Maria Vieites Diaz
(Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)
LHCb has been collecting the world's largest sample of beauty hadrons available to date. This sample has been used to measure different sources of CP violation and search for beyond-the-standard-model physics. We present a selection of measurements performed by LHCb using the full Run 1 dataset and in some cases part of the Run-2 dataset, notably including: the measurements of the semileptonic asymmetries, Asls and Asld; the measurements of the CP-violating phase phi_s using Bs->J/psi KK (including KK masses above the phi resonance) and Bs->J/psi pipi decays, and that of the phase phi_d using Bd->J/psi KS decays; the measurement of the gamma angle of unitarity triangle via a number of decay modes; the measurement of CP violation in two-body B decays; and the search for CP violation using b-baryon decays. An outlook of upcoming measurements will also be given
Primary author
Marco Gersabeck
(The University of Manchester)