Dec 12 – 17, 2016
Asia/Shanghai timezone
12 - 17 December 2016, Asia/Shanghai

Lectures and Presentations

Lecturer Topic Title
Changbo Fu, SJTU, China Laser Nuclear Physics Laser Nuclear Physics
Alexander Heger, Monash U, Australia Origin of the Elements Evolution of Nucleosynthesis in Massive Stars
Alexander Heger, Monash U, Australia Origin of the Elements Supernovae from Massive Stars and their Nucleosynthesis
Charles Horowitz, Indiana U, Bloomington, USA Neutron Rich Dense Matter Laboratory and Astronomical Observatons of Neutron Rich Matter
Charles Horowitz, Indiana U, Bloomington, USA Neutron Rich Dense Matter Graviational Waves
Jianglai Liu, SJTU, China Neutrino Experiments Neutrino Experiments - Selected Topics
Weiping Liu, CIAE, China Underground Laboratories JUNA – Jingping Underground lab for nuclear astrophysics
Yong-Zhong Qian, SJTU, China & U Minnesota, USA Neutrinos and the Origin of the Elements Neutrinos and the Origin of the Elements
Hendrik Schatz, NSCL & MSU, USA Nuclear Reactions in Accreting Neutron Stars Nuclear Reactions in Accreting Neutron Stars
Yang Sun, SJTU, China Theoretical Nuclear Physics Development of nuclear shell models for nuclear astrophysics
Xiaodong Tang, IMP, China Program of Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics in China Nuclear reactions in stars
Meng Wang, IMP, China Mass Measurements Program of mass measurement at Lanzhou storage ring and impact on nuclear astrophysics

Participant Presentations
Tony Ahn, MSU, USA First Neutron-rich Beam Induced (alpha,xn) reaction studies with HabaNERO
Weiping Lin, IMP, China Constraining the subthreshold resonance of 13C(alpha,n)16O using 16O(p,alpha)13N reaction
Qian Liu, UND, USA 10,11B(a,n) cross section measurements
Xinyue Li, CIAE, China Precision measurement of the 15N(d,p) angular distribution and spectroscopic factors of low-lying 16N levels
Neerajan Nepal, CMU, USA Measurement of Beta-delayed neutrons of r-process isotopes with the BRIKEN detector
Lin Gan, CIAE, China Study of the optical parameters for 12C+nucleus
Yingying Chen, UND, USA Exploring the properties of resonances for stellar neutron sources

Xinliang Yan, IMP, China
Mass of 56Cu and its impact on rp-process
Yonglin Zhu, NCSU, USA Matter Neutrino Resonance Transitions above a Neutron Star Merger Remnant
Peng Shuai, IMP, China A novel method for precision mass measurements of low-lying isomers on storage rings
Zidu Lin, IUB, USA Neutrino-pasta scattering in the supernovae
Wendell Misch, SJTU, China Supernovas and Nuclear Neutrinos