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Indico will be unavailable on Wed., Dec 18th from 7 - 7:30am due to server maintenance.

Jun 3 – 6, 2017
Q Center
US/Central timezone


Steering Committee of the Muon g-2 Theory Initiative
Gilberto Colangelo
Michel Davier
Simon Eidelman
Aida El-Khadra
Christoph Lehner
Tsutomu Mibe (J-PARC E34 experiment)
Andreas Nyffeler
Lee Roberts (Fermilab E989 experiment)
Thomas Teubner

We are in the process of setting up a website with more details regarding the Muon g-2 Theory Initiative and will link to it from this page.

Local Organizing Committee of the First Workshop
Ruth Van de Water
Aida El-Khadra
Taku Izubuchi 
Christoph Lehner
Lee Roberts