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3–6 Jun 2017
Q Center
US/Central timezone

List of registrants

66 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Aaron Meyer University of Chicago
Aarti Veernala Fermi National Laboratory
Aida El-Khadra University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Alex Keshavarzi University of Liverpool
Andreas Kronfeld Fermilab
Andreas Nyffeler Institute for Nuclear Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany
Andrzej Kupsc Uppsala University
Antoine Gerardin Institute for Nuclear Physics, University of Mainz
Antonin Portelli University of Edinburgh
B. Lee Roberts Boston University
Bastian Kubis HISKP, Bonn University
Bogdan Dobrescu Fermilab
Bogdan Malaescu CNRS
Chris Polly Fermilab
Christine Davies University of Glasgow
Christoph Lehner BNL
Christoph Florian Redmer Institute for Nuclear Physics, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz
Ciaran Hughes Fermilab
David Hertzog University of Washington
Davide Giusti Università degli Studi Roma Tre and INFN - Sezione di Roma Tre
Dongwi Handiipondola Dongwi Hampton University
Eduardo de Rafael CPT-CNRS-Marseille
Eigo Shintani RIKEN-AICS
Erik Gustafson University of Iowa
Gilberto Colangelo University of Bern
Graziano Venanzoni INFN
Hartmut Wittig Johannes Gutenberg Universität
Harvey B. Meyer Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Henry Lamm University of Maryland
Henryk Czyz Inst. of Physics, Univ. of Silesia
James Miller Boston University
james simone Fermilab
Johan Bijnens Lund University
Kim Maltman York University
Krstic Marinkovic Marina CERN/Trinity College Dublin
Laurent Lellouch CNRS/Aix-Marseille U
Luchang Jin BNL
Maarten Golterman San Francisco State University
Marcela Carena Fermilab
Marcus Petschlies University Bonn
Martin Hoferichter Institute for Nuclear Theory, University of Washington
Massimiliano Procura CERN
Mattia Bruno BNL
Michel Davier LAL Orsay
Nandita Raha INFN
Norman Christ Columbia University
Pablo Sanchez Puertas Charles University Prague
Paul Mackenzie Fermilab
Peter Stoffer UCSD
Peter Winter Argonne National Laboratory
Richard Kriske University of Minnesota
Roig Pablo Cinvestav-IPN
Ruth Van de Water Fermilab
Santiago Peris Univ. Autonoma de Barcelona
Shoji Hashimoto KEK
Simon Eidelman Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics and Novosibirsk State University
Stefan E. Mueller Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
Steven Gottlieb Indiana Univ.
Taku Izubuchi Brookhaven National Laboratory
Tammy Walton Fermilab
Thomas Blum University of Connecticut
Thomas Teubner University of Liverpool
Tsutomu Mibe KEK
Vladimir Pascalutsa University of Mainz
Wes Gohn University of Kentucky
Zechariah Gelzer University of Iowa