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ESS engineering meeting

A0 drafting room

A0 drafting room

Vladimir Nagaslaev (Fermilab)

Tuesday March 28, 2017:

 (Vladimir N., Matt Alvarez, Mike Pham, Christine Ader)

  1. Mike
    1. Finished most of the stuff on the list that he can
      1. Fixturing and stand and fiducials #4 and #5 not designed yet
      2. Hardware for the support bracket is implemented
      3. Fixturing for installations: we know the part number for the MI52 fixture, we don’t know if there is a model or a drawing
      4. Mike knows how the assembly of MI52 works
      5. Installation time for the frame was about 1.5 hrs
      6. CE is ¼” all the way – need to change back to 1/8” in the forward angled part (45deg)
      7. Need to change the baffle lengths per the frame change.
  2. Matt
    1. Met with alignment about the frame
      1. They want the nests on the Vessel for bubble level
      2. They want nests on the frame for the laser crystal placement
    2. CE spacer
      1. Chris suggested using standard part
      2. Matt want to stick to g-2 spacer design
        1. Made a design with convolution and caps and did analysis
        2. Lower cap occupies the gap completely
        3. Now the field is compressed in a thin region close to the gap
        4. Surface field reaches 55kV/cm
        5. This design is not acceptable
        6. Modifications discusses:
          1. Thinner caps
            1. A ring with conical inner surface
            2. Indium foil; with pressed sitting for the ceramic
          2. Bottom one needs to be thinner
          3. top one is not needed at all
          4. Convolution should be visible in the gap
          5. The pocket may have opening angle – Matt says there is no space to do this
    3. Discussed the CE FT
      1. The metal electrodes do not touch the ceramic insulation in the back wall of the frame
      2. If there is a chance to touch, the touch point should be in the middle rather than on the faces where the distance to the metal ground is minimal
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