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10–11 Aug 2018
US/Eastern timezone

Working Groups

There will be three 75 minute Working Group Sessions during the 2018 Low Energy Community Meeting. Two of the sessions will take place Friday afternoon (August 10), and the third session will take place Saturday morning (August 11). All sessions will take place inside the FRIB/NSCL building, and room numbers will be added to this page in the future.


Session 1: Friday August 10, 3:00 - 4:15 PM

Working Group Organizer Room Number Program/Summary
FRIB Theory Alliance Jorge Piekarewicz (FSU) and Filomena Nunes (NSCL/MSU) NSCL/FRIB 1221A&B Program
ISLA: ReA12 Recoil Separator Matt Amthor (Bucknell University) and Daniel Bazin (NSCL/MSU) BPS 1400 Program / Summary
Precision Measurements Maxime Brodeur (Notre Dame) NSCL/FRIB 1200 Lecture Hall Program / Summary
Radioactive Decay Station Robert Grzywacz (UTK) NSCL/FRIB 1300 Auditorium Program / Summary
Silicon Arrays Steven Pain (ORNL) BPS 1420 Program / Summary


Session 2: Friday August 10, 4:45 - 6:00 PM

Working Group Organizer Room Number Program/Summary
FRIB Theory Alliance Jorge Piekarewicz (FSU) and Filomena Nunes (NSCL/MSU) NSCL/FRIB 1221A&B Program
Data Acquisition Robert Varner (ORNL) BPS 1400 Program / Summary
High Rigidity Spectrometer (HRS) Remco Zegers (NSCL/MSU) NSCL/FRIB 1200 Lecture Hall Program / Summary
Neutron Detection Miguel Madurga (UTK) and Mike Febbraro (ORNL) BPS 1410 Program / Summary
Nuclear Data Libby McCutchan (BNL) NSCL/FRIB 1300 Auditorium Program / Summary
Solenoid Detectors Ben Kay (ANL) BPS 1420 Program / Summary


Session 3: Saturday August 11, 8:30 - 9:45 AM

Working Group Organizer Room Number Program/Summary
Equation of State Zbigniew Chajecki (WMU) and Kyle Brown (MSU/NSCL) NSCL/FRIB 1221B Program / Summary
High Resolution In-beam Gamma Spectroscopy Mark Riley (FSU), Mike Carpenter (ANL), Paul Fallon (LBL), Alexandra Gade (MSU/NSCL), Mitch Allmond (ORNL) NSCL/FRIB 1200 Lecture Hall Program / Summary
Neutron, Gamma, and Plasma experiment Aaron Couture (LANL) NSCL/FRIB 1221A Program
Nuclear Astrophysics, SECAR, and JENSA Catherine Deibel (LSU), Hendrik Schatz (MSU/NSCL), Michael Smith (ORNL), Melina Avila (ANL) NSCL/FRIB 1300 Auditorium Program