May 16 – 18, 2018
US/Eastern timezone


The Neutron star merger summer school 

 has arrange for room blocks at a special meeting rate at Owen Hall (university housing) and   Residence Inn both are within walking distance to the event site.

         Owen Hall, Michigan State University 735 Shaw Ln, East Lansing, MI 48825

Group code: Neutron Star Merger Summer School

Event rates from 5/15/18 to  5/18/18 Last day to book: 5/1/18

Owen Hall On campus housing offers a special group rate for a single rooms with a shared bathroom (in between rooms) at $46.00 per night; or a regular rooms with shared bathrooms, NO A/C at $36.00 per night.   

Reservations will be made for supported participants.


Residence Inn East Lansing hotel(s) offering you a special group tare  for 107.00 USD  per night (+tax)

Reservations: +1 (517) 657-2875

Recommended Local Hotels and Inns with MSU negotiated rates

NOTE: CSD does not contract with third-party vendors to arrange airfare or lodging on our behalf. Please be careful with all personal information