18–19 Dec 2017
Fermilab - Wilson Hall
US/Central timezone

Scenario of the status of the logistics once cryostat #1 warm structure is constructed

19 Dec 2017, 08:00
WH12xover Nus Room (Fermilab - Wilson Hall)

WH12xover Nus Room

Fermilab - Wilson Hall


Prof. Marzio Nessi (CERN)


- Who comes next? Which space we will have underground. How access is possible (bridges, ..) - First cold cryostat installation requirements in term of space, material lowering, logistics underground, scaffoldings, amount of people - Second warm structure assembly in parallel? Which additional requirements? - Which infrastructure should be installed at this moment in preparation of the detector installation in the first chamber? - Should mezzanine assembly come at this stage? Define responsibilities.

Presentation materials