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22–28 Jul 2018
Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center
EST timezone

Updated spectroscopy for SU(3) with eight fundamental flavors

26 Jul 2018, 12:00
104 (Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center)


Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center

219 S Harrison Rd, East Lansing, MI 48824
Physics Beyond the Standard Model Physics beyond the Standard Model


Prof. Ethan Neil (University of Colorado, Boulder)


I present updated spectroscopy results from the LSD collaboration on SU(3) gauge theory with $N_f=8$ degenerate fermions in the fundamental representation, using nHYP-smeared staggered fermions. The new results include added statistics, a more sophisticated systematic error analysis, and the use of joint fits to stabilize estimates of the $0^{++}$ scalar meson mass. We find persistent evidence for a very light $0^{++}$ scalar, roughly degenerate with the pions and far below the rest of the spectrum. A detailed comparison with the $N_f=4$ theory using the same lattice action is also presented.

Primary author

Prof. Ethan Neil (University of Colorado, Boulder)


Prof. Anna Hasenfratz (university of colorado boulder) Claudio Rebbi David Schaich (University of Bern) Dr Enrico Rinaldi (RIKEN BNL Research Center) Dr Evan Weinberg (Boston University) Prof. George Fleming (Yale University) James Osborn (ANL) Oliver Witzel Witzel (University of Colorado Boulder) Prof. Richard C. Brower (Boston University) Xiaoyong Jin (ANL)

Presentation materials