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22–28 Jul 2018
Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center
EST timezone

Participant List

342 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Aaron Meyer Brookhaven National Laboratory
Aditya Savanur Michigan State University
Adrien Florio EPFL
Ahmed Yousif Michigan State University
Aida El-Khadra University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Akihiro Shibata KEK
Akio Tomiya CCNU
Akira Ohnishi Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University
Alan Horowitz IUP
Alejandro Vaquero University of Utah
Alessandro Baroni University of South Carolina
Alessandro Nada DESY Zeuthen
Alexei Bazavov Michigan State University
Alexei Strelchenko FNAL
amarjit soni BNL
Amit Kumar Wayne State University
Amol Deshmukh CUNY Graduate Center
Andre Sternbeck University of Jena
Andrea Bussone IFT, UAM-CSIC
Andrea Carosso University of Colorado, Boulder
Andrea Shindler FRIB/MSU
Andreas Kronfeld Fermilab
Andreas Risch Institute for Nuclear Physics, University of Mainz
Andrew Hanlon Helmholtz-Institut Mainz, JGU
Andrew Lytle University of Glasgow
André Walker-Loud LBNL
Anna Hasenfratz university of colorado boulder
Anosh Joseph ICTS-TIFR
Anthony Grebe Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Arjun Gambhir Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Asit Kumar De Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics
Atsushi Baba University of Tsukuba
Aurora Scapellato University of Cyprus - University Of Wuppertal
Avik Sarkar NSCL/FRIB and Department of Physics and Astronomy
Balint Toth University of Wuppertal
Benjamin Jaeger CP3 & DIAS, University of Southern Denmark
Benjamin Jaedon Choi Seoul National University
Bigeng Wang Columbia University
Bingnan Lu Michigan State University
Bipasha Chakraborty Jefferson Lab
Björn Wellegehausen FSU Jena
Blazej Ruba Jagiellonian University
Boram Yoon Los Alamos National Laboratory
Brian Colquhoun KEK
C.-J. David Lin National Chiao-Tung University
Camilo Gomez Universidad Nacional de Colombia - physics student, last semester
Carlotta Marchis University of Graz
Casey Berger University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Charles Shugert Brookhaven National Lab and Stony Brook University
Cheng Tu University of Connecticut
Chia Cheng Chang iTHEMS RIKEN
Chik Him (Ricky) Wong University of Wuppertal
Christian Hoelbling Wuppertal University
Christian Reisinger Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main, Institut für Theoretische Physik
Christian Rohrhofer University of Graz
Christine Davies University of Glasgow
Christoph Lehner BNL
Christopher Bouchard University of Glasgow
Christopher Kelly Columbia University
Christopher Monahan University of Washington
Christopher Sachrajda University of Southampton
Christos Kallidonis Stony Brook University
Chuan Liu Peking University
Chulwoo Jung Brookhaven National Laboratory
Claudia Ratti University of Houston
Claudio Rebbi Boston University
Colin Egerer William and Mary
Colin Lauer Temple University
Colin Morningstar Carnegie Mellon University
Daisuke Kadoh Keio University
Daniel Darvish Carnegie Mellon University
Daniel Goeschl University of Graz
Daniel Hackett University of Colorado Boulder
Daniel Hatton University of Glasgow
Daniel Hoying BNL/UConn
Daniel Nogradi Eotvos University Budapest - Universidad Autonoma Madrid
Daniel Richtmann University of Regensburg
David Murphy MIT
David Richards Jefferson Laboratory
David Schaich University of Bern
David Yen-Jen Chu National Chaio Tung University
Davide Giusti Università degli Studi Roma Tre and INFN - Sezione di Roma Tre
Dawit Hailu Sungkyunkwan University
Dean Howarth BU
Dean Lee Michigan State University
Derek Leinweber CSSM, University of Adelaide
Diego Silva The University of Iowa
Dillon Frame Michigan State University
Dimitra Pefkou Student at William and Mary
Donald Sinclair Argonne National Laboratory
Duo Guo Columbai University
Eduardo Ibanez Bribian Instituto de Fisica Teorica UAM-CSIC
Edward White University of Cambridge
Eigo Shintani RIKEN-CCS
Emanuele Mereghetti Los Alamos National Laboratory
Enrico Rinaldi RIKEN BNL Research Center
Erik Gustafson University of Iowa
Ethan Neil University of Colorado, Boulder
Etsuko Itou RCNP, Osaka University/Kochi University
Euan McLean University of Glasgow
Evan Berkowitz Forschungszentrum Jülich
Fabian Joswig WWU Münster
Felipe Attanasio University of Washington
Felix Ziegler Heidelberg University
Ferenc Pittler HISKP BONN
Fernando Romero-Lopez University of Valencia, IFIC
Francesca Cuteri J. W. Goethe Universitaet Frankfurt
Francesco Di Renzo University of Parma and INFN
Frithjof Karsch Bielefeld University
Gavin Cheung University of Cambridge
Gen Wang University of Kentucky
Gennady Kozlov JINR
Georg Bergner Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, WWU Münster
George Fleming Yale University
Gergely Endrodi Goethe University Frankfurt
Giorgio Salerno University of Roma Tre & LPT Orsay
Giorgio Silvi Forschungszentrum Jülich - University of Wuppertal
Giovanni Pederiva Michigan State University
Giuseppe Gagliardi Bielefeld University
Gregorio Herdoiza IFT, UAM-CSIC
Gurtej Kanwar MIT
Hartmut Wittig Johannes Gutenberg Universität
Heng-Tong Ding Central China Normal University
Henning Gerber WWU Muenster
Henry Lamm University of Maryland
Henry Monge-Camacho College of William and Mary, LBNL
Hershdeep Singh Duke University
Hiroshi Ohno University of Tsukuba
Huey-Wen Lin MSU
Issaku Kanamori Hiroshima University
Jacek Wosiek Jagiellonian University
Jack Dragos FRIB/MSU
Jacob Bickerton University of Adelaide
Jacob Fallica Fallica University of Kentucky
James Harrison University of Southampton
James Hetrick University of the Pacific
James Osborn ANL
James Richings University of Southampton
James Sexton IBM
James Simone FERMILAB
James Zanotti University of Adelaide
Jan-Lukas Wynen Forschungszentrum Jülich
Jana N. Guenther University of Regensburg
Jangho Kim FRIB/MSU
Jarno Rantaharju Swansea Academy of Advanced Computing
Javad Komijani University of Glasgow
Javier Ugarrio IFT, UAM-CSIC
Jeremy Green DESY, Zeuthen
Jesse Stryker University of Washington
Jesus Gumaro Rendon Suzuki University of Arizona
Jian Liang University of Kentucky
Jianhui Zhang University of Regensburg
Jiqun Tu Columbia University
Jishnu Goswami Bielefeld University
Joel Giedt Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Johannes Heinrich Weber Michigan State University
John Laiho Syracuse University
John Preskill CAL-TECH
Jonas Glesaaen Swansea University
Jonas Wilhelm University of Mainz - Institut for Nuclear Physics
JONG-WAN Lee Pusan National University
Jonna Koponen INFN sezione di Roma Tor Vergata
Jose Angel Romero Jurado Instituto de Fisica Teorica
Jose Reyes Rivera FRIB/MSU
Joseph Karpie William and Mary
Juan Guerrero Hampton University/Jefferson Lab
Judah Unmuth-Yockey Syracuse University
Julia Kettle University of Edinburgh
Julius Kuti University of California, San Diego
Jun-sik Yoo Stony Brook University
Junpei Kakazu Univ. of Tsukuba
Justus Tobias Tsang University of Edinburgh
Karl Sallmen Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden (KTH)
Kate Clark NVIDIA
Katsumasa Nakayama Department of Physics, Nagoya Univ.
Keh-Fei Liu University of Kentucky
Kei Suzuki High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
Kevin Zambello University of Parma and INFN
Kieran Holland University of the Pacific
Kim Somfleth CSSM Adelaide University
Kimmy Cushman Yale University
Kohta Hatakeyama Shizuoka University
Kohtaroh Miura CPT, Aix-Marseille Universite
Konstantin Ottnad University of Mainz
Krstic Marinkovic Marina CERN/Trinity College Dublin
Krzysztof Cichy Adam Mickiewicz University
Logan Carpenter Student at Brigham Young University Idaho
Lopez Camilo University of Jena
Lorenzo Riggio INFN Sez. ROMA TRE
Luchang Jin UConn / RBRC
Luka Leskovec University of Arizona
Lukas Holicki JLU Giessen
Lukas Mazur Bielefeld University
Lukas Varnhorst University of Wuppertal
Maarten Golterman San Francisco State University
Manuel Scherzer Institut for theoretical Physics Heidelberg University
Marc Klegrewe Bielefeld University
Marc Steinhauser Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Marco Helmholtz-Institut Mainz, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
marco garofalo University of Rome Tor Vergata
Mari Carmen Banuls Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics
Martha Constantinou Temple University
Masaaki Tomii Columbia University
Mathias Wagner NVIDIA
Matthew Rizik Michigan State University
Matthew Wingate University of Cambridge
Matthias Puhr University of Regensburg
Mattia Bruno BNL
Maxim Mai George Washington University
Meifeng Lin Brookhaven National Laboratory
Michael Engelhardt NMSU
Michael Ogilvie Washington University in St. Louis
Michael Wagman MIT
Ming Gong Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS
Mizuki Shirogane Niigata University
Mohamed Anber Lewis & Clark College
Mugdha Sarkar Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics
naoya ukita Tsukuba University
Neill Warrington University of Maryland, College Park
Niels Schlusser TU Darmstadt
Nikhil Karthik BNL
Nils Meyer University of Regensburg
Ning Li NSCL/FRIB, Michigan State University
Nora Brambilla Physik Department TU Munchen
Norman Christ Columbia University
Nouman Butt Syracuse University
Oliver Baer Humboldt University Berlin
Oliver Orasch University of Graz
Oliver Witzel Witzel University of Colorado Boulder
Padmanath Madanagopalan Universitaet Regensburg
Pallavi Gupta Thapar University
Patrick Dreher NC State University
Patrick Steinbrecher Brookhaven National Lab
Paul Mackenzie Fermilab
Paulo Silva University of Coimbra
Peter Thomas Jahn TU Darmstadt
Phiala Shanahan Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Philipp Scior WWU Münster
Philipp Wein Universität Regensburg
Pilar Hernandez University of Valencia
Piotr Korcyl Jagiellonian University
Raghav Govind Jha Syracuse University
Rajan Gupta Los Alamos National Lab
Randy Lewis York University
Rasmus Larsen Brookhaven National Laboratory, Nuclear Theory Group
Raza Sufian Jef
Richard C. Brower Boston University
Robert Mawhinney Columbia University
Roberto Frezzotti University of Rome "Tor Vergata" and INFN unit of Rome Tor Vergata
Roger Horsley University of Edinburgh
Roman Höllwieser Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Roman Sverdlov University of New Mexico
Rongzheng He Department of Physics and astronomy and National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory, Michigan State University
Ross Young University of Adelaide
Ruairí Brett Carnegie Mellon University
Rudrajit Banerjee University of Pittsburgh
Rui Zhang Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Ruizi Li Indiana University
Ruth Van de Water Fermilab
Ryo Sakai Kanazawa University
Ryosuke Yanagihara Osaka University
Réka Ágnes Vig University of Debrecen
Sajid Ali University of Muenster, Germany.
Salvatore Cali University of Wuppertal and University of Cyprus
Samuel Foreman University of Iowa
Sandra Kvedaraite University of Sussex
Santanu Mondal National Chiao-Tung University
Saul Cohen NVIDIA
Savvas Zafeiropoulos Universitaet Heidelberg
Sayantan Sharma The Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Scott Bassler Syracuse University
Scott Lawrence University of Maryland, College Park
Sergey Syritsyn Stony Brook University (SUNY)
Sheng-Tai Li Central China Normal University
Shigemi Ohta IPNS, KEK
Shoichiro Tsutsui High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
Shoji Hashimoto KEK
Shuhei Yamamoto The University of Utah
Simon Kuberski Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Münster
Sophie Hollitt University of Adelaide
Sreeraj T P The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India
SRIJIT PAUL The Cyprus Institute
Stefan Kuehn Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Stefano Piemonte University of Regensburg
Stephan DURR University of Wuppertal
Steve Sharpe University of Washington
Steven Gottlieb Indiana Univ.
Sungwoo Park Los Alamos National Laboratory
Swagato Mukherjee BNL
Takashi Kaneko KEK
Takehiro Hirakida Kyushu University
Takeshi Yamazaki Univerity of Tsukuba
Taku Izubuchi BNL / RBRC
Takumi Doi RIKEN
Takumi Iritani RIKEN
Takuya Sugiura RCNP, Osaka University
Tamas G. Kovacs Institute for Nuclear Physics, Debrecen
Tanjib Khan The College of William and Mary
Tanmoy Bhattacharya Los Alamos National Laboratory
Thomas Blum University of Connecticut
Thomas Degrand University of Colorado
Thomas Luu Forschungszentrum Jülich/University of Bonn
Tianle Wang Columbia University
Tim Harris Milano Bicocca
Ting-Wai Chiu National Taiwan University
Tobias Schulz U Mainz
Ursa Skerbis Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenija
Utku Can RIKEN
Vanessa Koch Trinity College Dublin
Vera Guelpers University of Southampton
Volodymyr Chelnokov Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati INFN
Wayne Polyzou University of Iowa
Weonjong Lee Seoul National University
William Detmold MIT
William Jay University of Colorado Boulder
Wolfgang Unger Bielefeld University
Xiangdong Ji Shanghai Jiao Tong University/University of Maryland
Xiao-Yu Guo GSI Helmholzzentrum
Xiaoyong Jin ANL
Xu Feng Peking University
Yannick Meurice U. of Iowa
Yasumichi Aoki KEK
Yi-bo Yang Michigan state university
Yidi Zhao Columbia University
Yiming Cai University of Maryland, College Park
Yin Lin University of Chicago
Yong Zhao Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Yong-Chull Jang Brookhaven National Laboratory
Yoshinobu Kuramashi University of Tsukuba
Yoshio Kikukawa the University of Tokyo
Yu-Sheng Liu Tsung-Dao Lee Institute
Yunheng Ma Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Yusuke Namekawa University of Tsukuba
Yusuke Taniguchi University of Tsukuba
Yusuke Yoshimura CCS, University of Tsukuba
Yuta Ito KEK
Yuzhi Liu Indiana University
Zech Gelzer University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Zhihui Guo Hebei Normal University
Zhouyou Fan Michigan State University
Zohreh Davoudi University of Maryland