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22–28 Jul 2018
Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center
EST timezone

Localization transition in SU(3) gauge theory

24 Jul 2018, 16:30
104 (Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center)


Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center

219 S Harrison Rd, East Lansing, MI 48824
Vacuum Structure and Confinement Vacuum Structure and Confinement


Ms Réka Ágnes Vig (University of Debrecen)


It is known that at high temperature the lowest eigenmodes of the QCD Dirac operator become localized. Since these localized modes appear around the cross-over temperature it is natural to ask how they are related to deconfinement and chiral symmetry restoration. The simplest question one can ask in this connection is whether deconfinement and the appearance of localization happen at the same temperature. However, in QCD there is no sharply defined critical temperature since the transition is only a crossover. In contrast, having a well defined phase transition temperature, the quenched theory naturally lends itself to studying whether localization and deconfinement really happen at the same temperature. We analyze the statistics of staggered and overlap Dirac spectra on quenched SU(3) ensembles at several temperatures just above T_c. We precisely determine the temperature where localized modes appear in the Dirac spectrum and compare this temperature with that of the deconfinement transition.

Primary author

Ms Réka Ágnes Vig (University of Debrecen)


Prof. Tamas G. Kovacs (Institute for Nuclear Physics)

Presentation materials