Duo Guo
(Columbai University)
7/25/18, 4:10 PM
Chiral Symmetry
We report on measurements of the eta^prime mass on some of the 2+1 flavor DWF ensembles that have been generated by the RBC and UKQCD collaborations. We investigate the accuracy of our statistical errors, given the observed evolution of topological modes on these ensembles.
Karl Sallmen
7/25/18, 4:30 PM
Chiral Symmetry
By performing a simultaneous extrapolation of $g_A$ and $m_N$, determined from recent lattice QCD calculations using the MDWF on gradient flowed HISQ action. We explore the convergence of SU(2) HBChiPT using expressions for $g_A$ and $m_N$ derived to a relatively high order.
Amol Deshmukh
(The Graduate Center, CUNY)
7/25/18, 4:50 PM
Chiral Symmetry
Motivated by lattice QCD calculations in external fields, we study the behavior of single- and few-baryon systems in large magnetic fields. The dependence of single-baryon energies on magnetic fields is explored using chiral dynamics. Lattice calculations are argued to provide a valuable diagnostic on the chiral expansion for baryons. In particular, we show the unsatisfactory state of...