Daniel Hatton
(University of Glasgow)
26/07/2018, 08:30
Standard Model Parameters and Renormalization
Lattice QCD provides several avenues for the high precision determination of quark masses. Using the RI-SMOM scheme applied to lattice calculations with the HISQ action, we obtain mass renormalisation factors that we use to provide strange and charm quark masses with 1% precision. The calculation involves the study of various sources of systematic uncertainty, including an analysis of possible...
Sandra Kvedaraite
(University of Sussex)
26/07/2018, 08:50
Standard Model Parameters and Renormalization
The Kaon bag parameter, $B_K$, is a key non-perturbative ingredient in the search for new physics through CP-violation. It parameterizes the QCD hadronic matrix element of the effective weak $\Delta S=2$ four quark operator which can only be computed non-pertubatively on the lattice. The perturbative matching of $B_K$ between the lattice renormalization schemes and $\overline{\mbox{MS}}$...
Matthew Rizik
(National superconducting cyclotron laboratory)
26/07/2018, 09:10
Standard Model Parameters and Renormalization
We use the Yang-Mills Gradient flow to study the NLO mixing of CP-violating operators in continuum QCD with special attention to Weinberg’s d=6 purely gluonic operator. This method allows for a clear derivation of the Wilson coefficients of the CP-violating effective action as they pertain to the renormalization group equation. This perturbative calculation is the first step towards a...
Masaaki Tomii
(Columbia University)
26/07/2018, 09:30
Standard Model Parameters and Renormalization
We construct a concrete strategy to implement the non-perturbative renormalization of the $\Delta S = 1$ four-quark operators, which are associated with $K \to \pi\pi$ matrix elements. These non-perturbative methods can be used to determine the Wilson coefficients for the 3-flavor theory, avoiding a significant source of systematic uncertainty that arises from perturbative matching through the...
Fabian Joswig
(Universität Münster)
26/07/2018, 09:50
Standard Model Parameters and Renormalization
We report on advances in the non-perturbative determination of the ratio $Z_\mathrm{S}/Z_\mathrm{P}$ of the
scalar to the pseudoscalar renormalization constants in three-flavour
lattice QCD with Wilson-clover quarks and tree-level Symanzik improved
gluons. The computations are based on the Ward identity approach, using
Schrödinger functional boundary conditions. Our results for...
Simon Kuberski
(Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Münster)
26/07/2018, 10:10
Standard Model Parameters and Renormalization
The use of Heavy Quark Effective Theory (HQET) on the lattice as an approach to B-physics phenomenology is based on a non-perturbative matching of HQET to QCD in finite volume. As a first step to apply the underlying strategy in the three-flavor ($N_f = 2+1$) theory, we determine the renormalization constant and improvement coefficients relating the renormalized current and subtracted quark...
Jose Gabriel Reyes-Rivera
(Michigan State University)
27/07/2018, 14:00
Standard Model Parameters and Renormalization
The Yang-Mills gradient flow can be used to calculate the strange quark scalar content in nucleons using Lattice QCD. Given the renormalization properties of flowed operators, the procedure promises a reduction of the uncertainties in the determination of the spin independent (SI) elastic cross section of dark matter models involving WIMP-nucleon interactions. Chiral symmetry and a small...
Jonna Koponen
(INFN sezione di Roma Tor Vergata)
27/07/2018, 14:20
Standard Model Parameters and Renormalization
We present a preliminary analysis of the $u/d$ and $s$ quark masses, extracted using the PCAC quark masses reported in Phys. Rev. D 95, 074504. The data is based on the CLS $N_f = 2 + 1$ simulations with Wilson/Clover quarks and Luescher-Weisz gauge action, at four $\beta$ values (i.e. lattice spacings) and a range of quark masses. We use the Alpha results of Eur.Phys.J. C78 (2018)387 for...
Katsumasa Nakayama
(Department of Physics, Nagoya Univ.)
27/07/2018, 14:40
Standard Model Parameters and Renormalization
We report on a calculation of the charmonium contribution to the decay $B \rightarrow Kll$ using lattice simulations with 2+1 flavors of Mobius domain wall fermions.
We focus on the region of $q^2$ below the $J/\psi$ resonance and test the factorization approximation to estimate the amplitude.
Logan Carpenter
(Student at Brigham Young University Idaho)
27/07/2018, 15:00
Standard Model Parameters and Renormalization
We perform scale setting for the MDWF on gradient flowed HISQ action. 18 different ensembles are used to perform an extrapolation of the omega baryon to the physical point. Various schemes of defining dimensionless variables to parameterize the light and strange quark mass are used to estimate systematic uncertainties in the scale setting.
Balint Toth
(University of Wuppertal)
27/07/2018, 15:20
Standard Model Parameters and Renormalization
We use our Nf=2+1+1 staggered lattice QCD configurations to compute the corrections to Dashen's theorem and the quark mass ratio m_u/m_d. We use quark masses around their physical values, and reach the continuum limit using 5 different lattice spacings. We use the QED_L formulation, and include the QED and u-d mass difference effects in the valence sector.