chair: Panagiotis Spentzouris
Patrick Dreher
(NC State University)
14/09/2018, 10:45
This is the first of two talks on the IBM-Q quantum computing systems. The presentation will briefly summarize the concept of an IBM-Q Hub and the preparations at NC State for implementation of the only university-based IBM-Q Hub in the Americas. There will be a brief discussion of the role that the Hub will play in forming research partnerships with industry and the preparations for...
Antonio Mezzacapo
14/09/2018, 11:25
In this talk I will review methods for simulating fermionic systems on quantum computers, present ideas on how quantum resources can be optimized, and how to deal with noise rates in current quantum processors. I will then demonstrate the capability of the IBM open-access software Qiskit Aqua, a full-stack quantum computing framework.
Guillaume Verdon
(Institute for Quantum Computing)
14/09/2018, 12:05
In recent months, the field of Quantum Machine Learning (QML) has had
numerous advances and a rapid growth of interest from academia and
industry alike. Recent works have focused on a particular class of QML
algorithms, the so-called quantum variational algorithms (often called
quantum neural networks), where an optimization over a set of
parametrized quantum circuit ansatze is performed...