chair: Roni Harnik
Daniel Harlow
12/09/2018, 13:45
Ning Bao
12/09/2018, 14:25
In this talk I will explore the possibilities of using quantum
algorithms and techniques inspired by quantum algorithms to design
searches for new physics. This talk will be primarily and
speculatively focused on particle physics, rather than quantum
gravity, in an attempt to find new potential connections between high
energy physics and quantum information science.
Maria Spiropulu, Dr
Neil Sinclair
12/09/2018, 15:05
The Fermilab Quantum NETwork ([FQNET][1]) aims to produce a fully functional quantum network based initially on optical fibers with the capability to distribute time-bin photonic quantum states (qubits) across various distances by employing an intrinsic property of a multi-qubit system: entanglement. The resulting quantum network system will serve fundamental reserach and future R&D quantum...