chair: Yannick Meurice
Erez Zohar
(Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics)
13/09/2018, 08:45
Quantum simulation and tensor networks are two many-body physics
approaches rooted in quantum information science, which have been
widely used recently, especially in condensed matter contexts, proving
to be very useful. The first suggests to use controllable quantum
systems as simulators of others, which might be otherwise inaccessible
or hard to solve; the latter allows one to...
Judah Unmuth-Yockey
(Syracuse University)
13/09/2018, 09:25
I will discuss our proposal to quantum simulate the Abelian Higgs
model in $1+1$ dimensions. While doing this I will show how the
energy gap associated with the inclusion of a static charge shows
universal finite-size scaling in the discrete lattice model, and the
continuous-time quantum model. This finite-size scaling is identical
in both limits. I will briefly go into progress being...
Natalie Klco
(University of Washington)
13/09/2018, 09:50
With rapid developments in quantum hardware, it is increasingly important to analyze qubit, operator and gate requirements to optimally utilize available quantum resources for computation. In this talk, I present such an analysis for the digitization of interacting scalar field theories onto NISQ-era quantum devices, building upon the foundational work by Jordan, Lee and Preskill. Leveraging...
Nicholas LaRacuente
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
13/09/2018, 10:15
In an interacting quantum system far from equilibrium, initially local
information spreads into and melds with its environment. This has many
manifestations, from entanglement spread in quantum quenches to
environmental coupling induced by quantum channels. The rate of
entropy spread is often difficult to calculate outside of free,
perturbative or holographic regimes. We propose an...