Hilton Orrington / Evanston
1710 Orrington Ave
Evanston, IL. 60201
tel: (847) 866-8700
The hotel web site is: here.
The deadline for reservations has been extended to Monday, August 13, for a maximum of 25 rooms.
This hotel is 0.7 miles from the location of the meeting.
Forty rooms have been reserved at a price of $135 per night for Tuesday evening, August 28th, and Wednesday evening, August 29th.
Workshop attendees need to make their own reservations by Monday, August 6th to receive the discounted rate of $135.00 per night. To confirm a guest reservation, Hilton Orrington/Evanston requires a guarantee of the first night’s room rate and tax, which may be provided by credit card. This also guarantees the reservation for late arrival. Individual reservations must be cancelled 24 hours in advance to avoid cancellation fee.
Reservations can be made by calling Hilton Central Reservations at 1-800-HILTONS (1-800-445-8667). Identify yourself as being with the MU2E group to receive the discounted rate.
Reservations also may be made online: www.orringtonevanston.hilton.com . Use the online booking code MU2E in the box marked “Group/Convention Code.”
Here is a map for walking from the hotel to the TECH building where the meetings take place.