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22 June 2020 to 2 July 2020
US/Central timezone

Towards the cross-section measurement of the charged current muon antineutrino single pion production in the T2K near detector.

Not scheduled


Mr Grzegorz Zarnecki (National Centre for Nuclear Research)


The goal of the presented analysis is the cross-section measurement of the muon antineutrino single $\pi^{-}$ production ($\bar\nu_{\mu} + N \rightarrow \mu^{+} + \pi^{-} + X$) in the T2K near detector. This interaction mode is a background in Charged Current (CC) quasi-elastic sample in T2K oscillation analysis and its modelling needs to be constrained. The measurement will be double differential in lepton kinematics: $p_{\mu}$ and cos$\theta_{\mu}$. The extraction of the cross-section will be done with a binned likelihood fit. Validations of the method, done with mock data studies, will be presented. The main background in the CC1$\pi^{-}$ signal sample consists of events originating from neutrino CC interactions containing 1 $\mu^{-}$ and 1 $\pi^{+}$ in the final state. The selection performance, effect of systematic errors and control samples will be discussed.


Mock data studies for cross-section measurement of single pion production in the T2K near detector.

Experiment/Collaboration T2K

Primary author

Mr Grzegorz Zarnecki (National Centre for Nuclear Research)

Presentation materials