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22 June 2020 to 2 July 2020
US/Central timezone

SNOLAB Material Assay Capabilities

Not scheduled


Dr Tom Sonley (SNOLAB)


Experiments searching for rare events such as neutrinoless double beta decay and dark matter interactions need to have extremely low radioactive backgrounds. The design of the next generation of experiments will be thus driven by the intrinsic radioactivity of the materials used in the detectors, support systems, and shielding.

The SNOLAB material assay program allows the direct measurement of this intrinsic radioactivity using a number of dedicated detectors. This poster will present the capabilities of these detectors for various types of radiation.


The SNOLAB material assay system measures intrinsic radioactivity of samples for design purposes.

Experiment/Collaboration SNOLAB

Primary author

Dr Tom Sonley (SNOLAB)

Presentation materials